
Fifty Shades Updates

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If you could be Dakota in one of the scenes in the film which one would it be? xD

Well..I think we all know the answer to that question lol
Liked by: Laura

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What date will you be seeing the film? and to answer the question below he doesn't rape his victims =)

Not sure lol depends on how things are at that time.

Is the teaser trailer for fifty shades of grey or fifty shades darker?

the first film. The second film hasn't begun shooting yet. All promo is for the first film.

I have read that there will be two version of the movie.Rated R and NC17.Is this true.Then I read that the US will not show a NC17 movie.Can You answer these for me.

Nope. Just R.

Could you ask someone on twitter about the fall question i made you?! Please, cause i don't have any social account!!!

It was the answer I gave you. He didn't rape them.

Do you watch the fall? If yes, could you explain to me one thing i never seem to understand: does Paul rapes his victims or he just strangles them? Thanks in advance!!!!

I don't think he rapes them. I don't remember the show too well. I watch a lot of shows lol but I don't think he did. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.
Liked by: Katherine Pierce

The show Scandal will have enormous ratings next week! So excited for the second trailer...

I've never seen that show but looks like I'll have to next week lol for sure many people will tune in for the preview.

I saw new teaser and few minutes later electricity stopped.. and i was angry because i wanted to watch more and more :X XD

Aw! I would have gotten so mad lol

What scene do you want to see most hun in the new trailer?

I'm really hoping the Clayton's scene will be in there <3

Has you heard any rumors or anything bout when the trailer might come out...I heard something about the 13th.

Yes the 13


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