
Fifty Shades Updates

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my friend told me that you are leaving the page because you're moving to San Francisco and when that happen you don't have time to do this work...

That's not true. I have said that I am moving to San Francisco but I never said I would leave my page because of it. I only said that during that week I won't update as much because I'm obviously going to be very busy moving and settling in and getting to know the area and my school and such but I don't plan on leaving the site. =)

Will that 50 shades make up line be available in Greece? I really hope so cause i study to be a make up artist!!!

Well if you have a Sephora store in Greece then yes. It's only available in Sephora stores =)

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It's impossible to make questions or opinions with the phone in this ask, girl!

Really? I never have any problems on here.

of course I enjoy the page! is you leave the page I kill myself xD

Aw no xD don't say that. But don't worry, I don't plan on leaving <3

i'm your follower for so long! <3 i really really love you

Thank you! Love you too =) Glad you enjoy the page.

I also love you! a lot of people in france, spain and portugal visits your page!

Aw =D It makes me so happy to hear that <3 I'm glad I can reach people from all over.

you dont know who i am so how can you love me? lol

Well I love all of my followers. I'm grateful for each and every one.

Do you think Ana and Christian would dress up for Halloween? And if so what do you think they would be?

I was actually just thinking about that xD I was debating if I should do a manip or not of them dressed up lol should I?

Aww , new picture is amazyng . They look perfect together . <3 They are lovely , incredible and love them . X Have a nice night =)

It was such a great surprise ❤️ And thanks! You too


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