
gillian ♡

Ask @shineexo

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--yixing is a lot better when it comes to both dancing and singing, heck even count rapping in. plus, he is also much more respectful and he does things with 110% positive attitude. he doesn't deserve to be treated like this :(

well, as much as i love yixing, i have to admit that luhan is also just as good but definitely luhan is a lot better in singing while yixing is a whole lot better in dancing
both have one thing they're better at than each other and popularity usually doesn't look at that. you can see that both are actually quite popular but if you compare, luhan gets a lot more fans than yixing. idk what the reason for this is but since luhan is cute, girls fawn over him. cute is what usually gets girls nowadays anyway. although, both are respectful no matter how you look at it. luhan also gives his 110% on everything just like yixing, in fact, everyone in exo does.
well it doesn't matter who's way more popular, just give your full support and that's already more than enough c:

do you think that yixing doesn't get as much attention as he should? i think that being the main dancer for a group under sm entertainment is already a huge achievement, it would get you popular even to the most unknown parts of the world. yet, it seemed as if they care most for luhan when in fact--

Liked by: Melissa

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one thing you dislike about exo fans? and one thing you really like?

i don't dislike anything in particular like ~as a whole~ but i like how exo fans are always "and 4 chinese members" haha its like a joke but also as if they're accepting chinese members too and ugh beautiful fandom <3
Liked by: jamie♥ mark

kpop fans always get the most answers on ask.fm haha

not really, there are some people with like 20k answers and they're not really kpop fans haha

really you don't wear them? the diameter of your eyes seem quite big though

nope haha, it just seems big on photos but in actual reality, they are not haha
Liked by: kennie

oh sorry i meant how to put 3 gifs into one image like so http://25.media.tumblr.com/8dd34487beb4a2b971710760bc631ba9/tumblr_mi73e5SgDb1qaxxueo1_500.gif

that's actually only two gifs if you watch sehun's teaser again.
since kai and sehun's teaser had the same background, it was relatively easy to put them together, you just delete the parts of the top gif where it overlaps the one at the bottom gif and you're done
like, here you can tell that kai's gif is on top because the black bg wasn't deleted properly on sehun's legs
Liked by: Melissa Daniel kennie

why exactly did you go multi-fandom?

i didn't go from shinee to exo to multifandom tbh
i've been a fandom whore for so long now and i only reblogged like 2% multifandom but now it increased to about 10% i'm still 90% shineexo
Liked by: Melissa Ami kei kennie liana

do you ever delete your unpopular edits?

umm i would call them "unpopular" like if they look really ugly then i just delete no matter how many notes pmsl but sometimes i just hide them in a tag where no one will find them
Liked by: kennie

wow it seemed as if you and your cousin are like some childhood friends that became a couple LOL

but we didn't??? and it won't be possible????
orz once my sister said she found us on the bed sleeping and when she opened the blankets, we were holding hands
BUT i remember quite perfectly that it was bc he told me a scary story and i couldn't sleep orz
Liked by: kennie

how does one not have facebook? is that even possible?

orz he's a problem child (can u not tho omg he was a rly nice as a kid, actually not really???????? idk he's strange)
like when i last went back, they were like telling me how he had to repeat his last year of high school because he didn't pass the exams
how he wags classes, and he stays out all night. and last time i heard, i think he actually stopped school now because he doesn't want to learn anymore
idk what happened to him though like he used to be really smart and he helped me with homework back then. usually, he would take care of me when my parents were out. we haven't seen each other for a while after that because they live like 1-2 hours away and we just saw each other again on that time i went back
recent family pictures his sister posted up don't have him in it either and i really don't want to ask why bc that's awkward sdkjfhjksdhf

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Liked by: Melissa kennie


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