

Will you keep trying with different versions of scorev2 for mania? The current iteration is more a compromise between what players want, and what the game developers think it should be, instead of what players really want with the score system.

Yeah. I've just been busy the past week with exams and will continue to be busy in the coming week with the same...
But let me address something. Combo _will_ remain regardless of iteration. It is not going anywhere. So if "what players really want" is for scoring to be an accuracy-only model, forget it.
Likewise, if players want us to copy another game's scoring system, forget it. If players want us to make a massively complex scoring system that takes into account difficult in sections of the maps and/or requires careful analysis of the timing distributions of hits, forget it.
But why, why will combo remain? You HAVE to realize that ScoreV2 is going to be used for MWC, and there are other aspects to consider in such an environment to make gameplay more exciting and to really show off the best-of-the-best. I've explained this before on reddit/the forums.
The scoring system must be easily able to be changed/recomputed and must be easy to use for _all_ other modes with minimal to no modification. Yes, this is "what the developers want", because we want to be able to re-balance the meta easily in the future.

Latest answers from smoogi~

3 Years ago when designing the Shift + Tab function, why was "Add an options option to select which interface elements to hide with Shift+Tab." this denied, when i'm playing i think the HP bar is useless and samething with my score; i just really wanna see my Acc and Song Progress?

Because it was too difficult to implement at the time. It will come with osu!lazer, in one way or another.

What do you think about making HardRock in mania's scorev2 somewhat resemble BMS' way of getting misses? The hitwindow would need to be thighter + every unnecessary keytap could be counted as miss which would make the player faill when spamming. This way hardrock would work like hard gauge.

I'll consider it for osu!lazer.

What's wrong with smgi.me?

SSL cert expired, my automated renewal didn't work. Haven't had time to fix it...

"Updates will run at a fixed 2x on top of the draw rate." Why was it made like that, why not a higher ratio (or adjustable ratio)?

Because it doesn't need to be higher. All it would do is cause your CPU to work harder than it needs to, causing excessive heating that could lead to throttling and wasting power.

Why did peppy-sama revert all those features you added to hitsound skinning?

Because there were issues with hitsounds not working.

How did you get in the position to work on osu!mania related stuff ? I mean if i look at things you did and said you clearly have no idea about VSRG's . so how is that possible when there are alot more qualified people than you out there ?

To put it simply - I was the only osu!dev who was willing to work on mania. There are a few reasons for this but perhaps the biggest is that the codebase was a mess and I _really_ like breaking/deleting/rewriting things.
The "more qualified people out there" are either not motivated enough to develop mania, nor are they mostly devs. Is Staiain qualified to work on mania? I would say no, because he's not a dev; sure he knows how VSRGs play better than anyone in the team, but I'm certain he wouldn't be able to bring his ideas into fruition with the previous codebase. I mean this with no disrespect to Staiain - I could have used any big name VSRG player instead.
So that's why, through my active days working on mania, I tried (and succeeded) in getting a lot of community involvement into the direction mania was going, and I would be the dev making it all come to life.
I have been playing mania a lot more recently in my spare time, and am gaining a larger understanding of VSRGs, but I don't believe that matters because it's not the direction I want to go - I like having community involvement instead of rejecting/approving ideas of my own accord.

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How much of the code they have written so far for osu!lazer will have to be rewritten because of the new framework?

All of it

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