
Stephanie Alexandra

Ask @sociallyawkwardtumblrperson

what would happen if i killed myself right now?

what would happen? fuck that shit about “your family would be devastated” and “everyone who loved you would miss you” (although i’d hope that they would!) because that’s not staying around for you. I’ll tell you what would happen if you killed yourself tonight.
you would miss winter’s shift to spring
you would miss the way that rush of warm air hits you when you come inside from the cold
you would miss new music from your favourite bands
you would miss the opportunity of meeting people you like and connect with and form real friendships with
you would miss hot chocolate on a cold evening
you would miss every damn opportunity you’d ever be given past the point you are now. you’d miss everything.
it’s dark right now, i know. i know that. but please, please, don’t kill yourself tonight, nor tomorrow night, nor any night afterward. suicide doesn’t eliminate the possibility of things getting worse; it only eliminates the possibility of things getting better. i’m right here if you need me, always, all you have to do is come and talk to me, i’m gonna be holding your hand all the way through if you need me to. stay alive, please, i love you and i will be supporting you every step of the way. <3333

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Will u goo out with me?

Sadly, I cannot. I do have my own Bae and Im happy but I have a few friends or two so I'll hit you up. Haha

Whats an actual tumbler person?

Tumblr* And someone who ACTUALLY uses tumblr, not a hipster tumblr person that has like 3 followers. An actual tumblr person gets on at 7 and looks at the clock and it's already 4 in the morning. Someone that makes tumblr their life and is literally addicted. Doesn't leave their room often, and sleeps and eats alot. You know. An actual tumblr person. Also I could have just said my name but I thought you deserved a descriptive response. c:

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