
Niaa ❤

why did you and earl breakup: (

because we kinda had to.... we're not going to the same high schools and we're both not fans of long distance relationships...10th grade i'll hopefully be at st. thomas and we'll definetly be back together. he mine tho so it's no pressure. :)
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Latest answers from Niaa ❤

Omg how do u manage to be cute at school and w hard classes can I see ur grades bc sometimes I let my looks distract me even though I shouldn't bc u look way better than me and your smarter way smarter

lol tbh i dont even try to look cute, that isn't my sole focus. idk i guess it's my desire to go to a good university and become a lawyer. junior year is your most important year. you don't want your adult self to regret your focus on being cute rather than your school work. these four years of high school literally mold and is the foundation of what your future will be. work your butt of right now, trust me you'll thank yourself sooooo much in the future

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