

Ask @tahubulat12

What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?

i think theres no animal i want to see if i went to the zoo, bcs the animal is you. and you were home. so i will run to ur house and see animal😊🐶

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Do you prefer to talk or to listen?

so far everyone told me imma good listener. gw suka bgt dengerin cerita2 orang, masalah2 orang and solve their problems suddenly, entah itu masalah pribadi, keluarga, pacar, teman dll. but the disadvantage being a listener is sometimes everyone needs u to solve their problem and u dont know where did u go when u have some problem? and finally ure being an introvet person like u cant tell anybody bout ur problem and nobody cares and nobody want to listen and u just keep itself until u gotta be crazy

What's your favorite way to express yourself?

tergantung dengan siapa dan dimana dan apa yg mau ditunjukkin. kalo gw pribadi lg sama org2 yg bener dkt bgt sm gw ya gw bakal blak2an ceplas ceplos, kalo lg gila ya lo gila with no jaim kl gw kesel ya gw bilang. tergantung sikon jg, kl blm kenal2 bgt ya jaim2 dikit la ntar ilfeel lg wkwk

What has been the scariest experience in your life?

love the person that didnt love me back HAHA no its just my saddest part. so far i dont have scariest experience but maybe i will have scariest experience if i cant be the person that my parents hope for😢

If you and three friends were on a deserted island, who would be eaten first?

me, cause i dont wanna see my bestie or someone that i love in my life being hurt

Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

cause i cant dance like the other people or like 'oh ur dance looks like good' but mostly when theres no people around me i always make the drama in my head like 'what if she/he...' i will do blabla or i will say blabla he thats my freak

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

my dad cause he is my only superhero and he always help me or keep me safely in everytime

What are your 5 most favorite Websites?

Google (always be the number one), 9gag if im bored, youtube, soundcloud, cnn

Which is your favorite song?

every song which the lyrics are the same wth my feeling in every situation

Language: English