
Killian Wells

Ask @TheKillianWells

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Have you ever heard rumors about yourself? 🗣 Share them!

I heard that I used to be an actor on Nickelodeon, which never happened 😂

you know, your boyfriend's name and middle name reminds me of the guy who played Austin on Austin and Ally and he played Austin and his name is Austin and his real name is Ross and his middle name is Ross. Austin Ross Wallis

That’s cool

How tall are you? Take😁 a photo in full height

5’ 11” but I’m currently in bed so I’m not taking a photo 😜

How did you meet Austin?

Joey Gentile introduced us, I asked him to hang out and invited his roommate which happened to be Austin :-)

Do you like poetry? Have you tried to write poetry sometime?

I do. I write songs and lyrics are basically poetry set to music.


Language: English