
The 1975

Ask @thematthewhealy

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Last time I saw them we were waiting in front of the building and someone said "Guys can we go through" My best friend was so pissed bc everyone was pushing and I turned around and saw George right next to me and after him Matty. My best friend didn't know what was going on and I was just shocked.

aw :) x

I'll see them the second time this year. The last time I was front row but it was too hot and there were so much people so I got scared and went in the last row. The view was good but front row would have been better. Now I'm scared that I I'll get anxious again.. I really want to see them closer..

don't really know what you want me to say to this? haha. sorry you got anxiety but you can always go further back if it happens again. I'm not someone who queues for barrier anyway so you're probably talking to the wrong person - idc where I am in the crowd! x

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i've just read this and i'm idk, it's v fucking interesting. also, do u think matty's depressed? i feel like he's this lively, loving-life guy but there's a part of him missing or something.

I don't think he's depressed, no. I think he's a 25 year old lad adjusting to the big wide world with millions of people watching him. x

does matt always stay back after concerts to chat with anyone hanging around the venue?

he tries to, but just be realistic about it, the band is getting bigger and bigger so for safety and security reasons they can't always stop or meet everyone. x

How did you meet Ross' girlfriend? Like how did you know that she's dating him??

at the McBusted show in Hyde Park a few weeks ago, it was pissing down with rain and me and my friend run under an umbrella that a girl was sitting under (Ross' sister, I did not know this at the time) and I asked if she minded if we huddled under the umbrella while it was raining and she was really lovely and said no of course not and to sit down or whatever. me and my friend did, we just chat amongst ourselves, then another girl came and sat down with Ross' sister (again, still didn't know who either of them were at this point), and they were also talking amongst themselves. I heard them mention something about The 1975 but they were talking quietly so I didn't want to interrupt, but then they mentioned Craig David and i've been a fan of Craig David since I was 10 years old so I just got talking to them both, then The 1975 came up again and I said I was a big fan and they were like really? etc and after a few minutes of me embarrassingly waffling about how much I love them and even have a blog dedicated to them, Ross' girlfriend was like "you know the bassist?" and I was like, Ross, yeah... and she said "that's his sister" and I was like erm what the fuck, then his sister was like "yeah and that's his girlfriend"... so, yeah, it was a complete accident! we were chatting for about half hour or so I guess, about loads of different things, including The 1975 but not just about them, and they were both super lovely and not weirded out by me or anything. they said they'd not really met a big fan before so if anything I think they were just really flattered. and thennnn Ross' girlfriend randomly walked into my work last week and recognised me which was even weirder haha. so, yeah. :) x

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did you ask matt for a photo straightaway or talk for a bit before taking photos?

we spoke briefly before cause he recognised me from talking through the window earlier on then had a couple of photos then signed my ticket then I spoke to him about my friends art :) x

Have you seen the 1975 before? If you have what sort of time would you recommend to get there to get close to the front? :) x

yeah I have seem them before but I really don't care about getting to the front so you're asking the wrong person. plus, I think it's just logical, people camp out or get to the venue at ridiculous AM to get to the barrier - so work out what kinda time you wanna go from that? also remember every single venue is different - you can't generalise it at all. wherever you are in the crowd you're going to have an amazing experience and I cannot express enough how much that's all that matters. x

I'm literally fucking obsessed with The 1975, but I'm a dude and I'm too afraid to talk to my friends about my love for the band bc they think it's weird and say its "gay" idk what to do :/

I'd suggest you get new friends if they will use such a pathetic term to judge you! plus, there are a lot of guys in The 1975 "fandom", you'll be surprised. don't be afraid or ashamed to love anything. x

how long did you get to chat with matty?

umm about 5 minutes? not long really but there were a lot of people there so it weren't fair to steal too much of his time :) x

Hi x is at the 1975 concerts an age limit?It probably depends the venue right?Im 14 and i want to go alone bc none of my friends listen to their music and im realy afraid that i wouldnt break through the security guard. It is one of my biggest dreams see them live.I don't know what should i do :( :/

yeah, check with the venue. most shows are 14+ so you'll be alright, but there are a handful that are 18+ so just double check to be sure x

(sorry if this is too personal) do you work in like a shop? I always assumed you worked in like a music office place but then why would ross girlfriend walk in? haha if it keeps up like this you'll be best friends by the end of the year :P

I do work in music but that doesn't pay the bills so yes I work in a shop also :) haha, if only eh! she's really lovely xx

A the 1975 update account.. There couldn't possibly be anything more wrong than that

I struggle to see why innocently posting pictures and videos and general updates of The 1975 is "wrong"? I'm not hurting anyone, and you've just wasted minutes of your life hating on something that isn't harming you in any way possible. get a hobby.

i know matty has a younger brother called louis but ive been wondering about the other boys since you met ross' sister like how many siblings they have and if they are younger and older xx (and i totally understand if you think that question is too personal to answer)

I don't know about their siblings really sorry! x

Does it matter that I have not been a fan for long? I first heard one of their songs around 4 months ago, but loved them ever since ... x

of course it doesn't x

I found a link to the BBC Story of the 1975 if anyone else is like me and missed it! http://www(.)youtube(.)com/watch?v=ASFouzUuKBE

ah awesome - thanks for this! x

is the stage door where only band/crew/staff etc can enter?? was it at the back of the venue?

every venue is different


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