
Cody Campbell

Ask @therealcodyc

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How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You. (Psalms 139:17, 18 NASB) Praying for you! Trust in Him alone. He is with you every step of the way.

Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

What is your favorite book in the Bible and why??

I think 1st Timothy.
Why? The reason is, it talks about God's grace, which has always been a hard thing for me to grasp. It also talks about prayer, setting a Godly example to people, and being able to use your youth for God's glory, not letting it go to waste. There are many more things I love about it, but I neither have the right words to explain, and it would take a long time to answer. Hopefully you get the idea. ;)

Do you prefer sunshine or rain?

I love the sunshine, but I think I'd have to go with rain.
I love rain, and that cozy feeling you can get when sitting in a big chair, with a blanket, sipping your favorite hot tea, and reading a book. :)

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Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Honestly I have no idea, that's completely up to God, and while I have an idea of where I'd like to be, I can't obsess about it, cuz that's not trusting God.
Some of the thing's I hope to see: I'd like to be married and have some children by then. I'd love to be settled in my career, whatever God may have for me. Ultimately, I just want to be so much more in love with my savior, Jesus Christ. You can never stop falling in love with Him.

If you could have any animal as a pet (and I do mean any animal, which cannot harm you in any way), what would it be and why?

Besides a dogs and horses and such....
Probably, some type of lizard or a big cat of some sort, like maybe a cheetah. Then I'd never be late. ;)

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Millions of things, but a big one was be in the military, cause I'm super patriotic.

Do you believe the devil exists?

Yes. I know he does. I feel him everyday tempting me to let go and stop trusting God, he can be very persuading, but God is still and always will be in control. In Him my trust will always be.

If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be?

I wouldn't want to stay a certain age, cause the older I get, the wiser and closer to God I get. Although if my body could stay a certain age that might be nice. ;)

Do you believe that God created only one perfect girl 'the one', out there for you?

Yes. I mean He's not going to create five, then tell me to pick. ;P HE knows what I need way more than I do. And He has created ONE special person for me. We were specifically designed for each other, by God Himself. I don't know about you, but that makes me feel overwhelmed with gratitude, and amazement.

Would you ever like to talk to someone anonymously for a long time to get to know them. Then once you know them you guys trade pics to see who you've been talking to? I want to do that with you haha :)

I don't mind. :) I think it'd fine, but I don't really care if I know what the person looks like when I first get to know them or after awhile, it makes no difference in my friendship with them. Personality and having in common love for Jesus, is how good friendships start. But hey, I'm good with talking to someone anonymously for a while. ;)

Would you date someone who is 4 years younger than you?

No, not at this point, cause I would date with the intent of marriage. And someone four years younger than me, wouldn't be ready for that. Plus, I'd prefer to date someone who is anywhere between the same age, or two years younger. But really, it's up to God.

What one thing do you look forward to happening in your future the most?

Finding the girl that God's chosen for me, and getting married. :)


Language: English