
tia x

Ask @tiasmithh

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Kieron doesn't want Vickii back in the slightest he's told me so I'd ignore them anons and try with him he's a cool guy x

Hm okay, everything's gone good so far with him atm but he want to take things slow so yeah x

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If your plane was about to crash, who would you want sitting next to you?

My mummy so if we died is die beside my mum hand in hand x
Liked by: ella cross

do you like millie?

I did until she called me a cunt, and write a status saying me and the girls are 'fake' friends I mean be serious, we ran down to we house in the rain when she was going through such a shit stage. Tbh I rely don't care don't need her, she's. nothing specia.

Who do you prefer to have Storff or Kieron and your reason why?

Kieron. Well me and connor grew apart, and we done and said some hurtful things to each other that made us loose the feelings we had for each other, but the thing is witch kieron i can trust him to start with, he's always there for me whenever I need him and will do whatever he can to make me smile, but tbh he makes me smile just like that anyway. Basically I could go on and on why I prefer to have him than Connor, but the main reason is he never makes me feel like shit, never gives me a reason to cry, and even if I'm in a state about something he will come and see me and be someone to lean on when time gets tough. I love him a lot if I'm honest.

Slag. Can't even stick to your own age EW

Have you not got nothing better to do with your life? You're starting to bore me now babes, would be more interesting if you said it all of anon?:)ly

Your say I'm a liar? You make up so much shit it's unreal and you think your something special when your really not

Connor Corstorphin
Because you are a fucking liar, you was making out that you never said this but you really did, twat. I hardly think I'm something special, you're such a mug.
Liked by: ella cross

Miss anyone?

A few people but mainly my uncle Doug. Lost him on the 18/06/13 the day of my sisters birth. He was diagnosed with cancer at such short notice that they really couldn't help him, he was fighting for so long but eventually he lost his fight, I will never forget him ever I remember when I was 3 I ripped open my bottom lip, my mum couldn't drive and he only lives across the road so he got me and my mum into the car and drove us to the hospital and waited until he knew I was okay. He doesn't bar to suffer anymore though, he's safe in that beautiful place called heaven, sleep tight Doug always thinking of you. X
Liked by: Betsy


Language: English