
tia x

Ask @tiasmithh

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stop causing arguments for the sake of it

Stop asking me stuff on anonymous then dickhead, and ellie asked me the question first. Just go or say it off anonymous, tbh its probably ellie LOL

Tia I actually swear down on my dads ashes and my whole family's life that I haven't asked myself questions about you, or said anything to you under anonymous? ease up on me though? haven't done anything wrong yet again!!!!

Ellie you always swear down on your dads ashes, that why no one ever believes you. You didn't have to answer that question about me being a 'bitch' to holly because at the end of the day, I've said sorry to holly for the things I've said being the mature one, she's didn't forgive me which is fair enough. I'm not going to argue with you over bloody ask.fm ffs, meet me tomorrow and we'll talk or I'll speak to you at school because I'm fed up with you making shit up I am not jealous that connor and holly speak at all, and I'm certainly not jealous of holly, so you can either speak to me tomorrow or I'll speak to you at school.

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patheticcccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ;c

Ellie seriously grow the fuck up, you're saying I'm pathetic yet you're still going on with this argument haha who's pathetic now you utter din?hahaha!
Liked by: BethParishh

http://ask.fm/ollyrauh http://ask.fm/kurrttcobain http://ask.fm/clungem4gnet69 http://ask.fm/toririley These four "guys" are trannys it is fucking disturbing, they are obviously mentally unstable thinking they are boys when they have vaginas so are clearly girls, give them shit, they deserve it x

I'm sorry what? How fucking dare you I get shit just for being bisexual and want to kill myself sometimes with the stuff people like you say, these people are so strong even after everything you put them through, tori for instants is just amazingly strong! You need to think before you say because sometime like that could push someone to the edge and just end their life, they can't help that they don't feel comfortable in their bodies. My brother is only four and dresses up in girls clothes, basically wants to be a girl, this morning he burst out crying and said "take me to the doctors and make me a girl" its heartbreaking that a four year old feels that way, but I will be there for him through everything and whatever choice he makes I'll always love him.

best mates?

Beth parish, Millie Howard, Ella cross, rhi Boucher, amber walker, Chloe Conway, autumn Sykes, Paige James, Paris collect, Katie Magee, mollie Farmington, Karen ford and vicky Cowan; they're all my main girls and helped me through so much, couldn't ask for better friends x

something awkward that happened today?

Okay so I went to town with my mum, nan and my brother. We all went into marks & Spencer's so my nan could take something back, we walked to the till and realised my brother had vanished so I went to look for him, I heard "TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIA" from the underwear isle so I looked down and my four year old brother was stood there with a thong on his head and a bra on, he was running around the shop screaming boobies. Was so embarrassing sorry for the old ladies and men that wittnessed that today.
Liked by: Chloe mess


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