

Ask @tomytomytomy

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What was the last YouTube video you saw?

Oh my x"D tara ana ajabel youtube 24 hours !!! Usually it's make up tutorials x"D 5ala9 I'm 20 o ma a76 make up time to do something about it ;P * growing up *

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What is your favorite online shopping site?

Believe it or not I've never done it ! Unless you considered buying groceries online is online shopping x"D

Widch y9er 3nich khawat?

Of course o kl ma akbar a7s I really wish lw kan 3ndy e5t... Bs 7md elah ,god blessed me with the sweetest friends & cousins o ma a7s ena ma 3ndy e5t ela lma ard el bait o kla 9byan x"D

What’s your favorite method of shopping?

Shop until your credit card gets declined ... It's horrible ;') #shopaholic

What is the best color for a car?

Hmmmm .... If I had a car it'd probably be redish chthy bs ma adry ay daraja ... Aw gold .. Aw silver ... Aw black ... Ma adreeeeeeee T.T


Language: English