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عادي ادش عليها من اكاونت فيك؟ لان فشلة 🏻♀️

She actually doesn't have an account knt b36eha your number , what do u wanna know ? I can ask her and tell u , did u try checking el et7ad ? They're helpful !

Y3ney tn97eny askn bro7e bsh8a.w hal m3 alwa8t by9eer 3ade w ma asta7sh.finall thing ma 7sete in tkoneen lonely?

Up to you ! Depends on your personality I'm an only daughter so it was impossible for me to get used to living with another girl , a lot of people home roommates and they love it

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بلشتي دوام بالمستشفى واي مستشفى 😁؟

Nop, b3dy 7ata ma r7t asjl bl dewan

و اذا تعرفين وين احسن مكان حق شقق سكنيه يم UCD ☹️ I tried using daft.ie but I still don't really know how to find a proper place

I'm actually not sure what would be the closest to it it wasn't my college

Hi, pleaseeee do help if you know anyone who studies med in UCD because I got accepeted there and I'm so confused and lost.

Yes I actually do, post your details so I let them contact u if u want to

Hi عادي تعلميني شلون قنعتي اهلچ بسالفة الدراسه برا الكويت لان انا طموحي طب اسنان و خايفه ما يقبلوني الكويت و مادري شلون اقنع اهلي لان محد قبلي سواها :)

To me it wasn't really a problem, it's something my dad encouraged me to do so I'm not sure how can u convince your own family.
Tell them that you think it's where ur happiness is and u worked so hard to be a dentist enshala they agree.

You're so kind galbech abyath i remember you motivated me a few yrs ago about studying abroad. Thanks, because it was my best choice❤️

Aw ❤️ thanks love ! Best of luck with it all ❤️

Are u a sensitive person or not?

Depends on how much I care about the person in front of me, if it's a close one then I'd be sensitive to what they say if they're not I wouldn't really care

This method of attachment bonds the tendons and ligaments into the general structure of the bone, providing a much stronger attachment than would otherwise be possible .. Can you help?? What's exactly meant by "than would otherwise be possible"??

It means it's the best way ever, good luck

Like when you want to sleepat night you might feel scared or like maybe ( tsta7sheen)?

Yeah of course I did for the first week or so

Did you live in apartment alone or with someone. And was it difficult to live alone ?

Alone , I really enjoyed it ! It's nice to have your own space

Yeah i know its shar3 alah.. but from ur point of view, would u wear it?

Enshala hopefully one day ❤️

What do u think about hijab

It's not up to me to think about it or give my opinion شرع الله.

Thank you very much doctor.yeah on of my relative unfortunately.thank you very much for your explenation ❤️❤️

I'm very sorry love ❤️ ya rb yshafehum try not to search for info yourself each case is unique stay positive and supportive try to get the info from their own doctor as they'll be familiar with their cases.
My prayers go to you and your family. ❤️

Who is someone you wish you had never met?

Everyone is meant to teach u some sort of lesson and those lessons help shape the person that you're today ,,, I'm very happy with who I turned out to be. ❤️

I know it might not be the best place to ask but i really want to know why there is no cure to the cancer doctor and how do some people be cured from cancer and other not and why some people after being cured from cancer they have it again

Hey dear , you're right it's not & I'm not a specialities ( oncologist ) to give u the best answer either. Here're the basics; cancer is when some body cells decided to grow uncontrollably. & it's hard to come up with a treatment that will control those specific cells without damaging other healthy ones too . For some cancers those specific targeting medications have already been discovered and are being used and can be very effective if the patient's have been diagnosed in early stages and the cancer is limited to it's original " spot "
How it responds depends on many factors , what type of cancer is it , where is it , how early on it's detected the cancer's genetics and treatment plan. So each case can be unique and they won't all respond the same way.
As for why it comes back to some people and others are cured, again just like the above many factors involved in the process & the type of cancer and genetics play a rule in this. 7md elha treatment is way better than what it used to be thanks to research and newly developed methods.
If you know someone who's affected by this I'm really sorry ❤️, enshala ya rb yshafehumo y3afehum o ygwmhum bl salama.
This is just a basic idea, medical questions are better asked in hospital environment , by a trusted specialist ( I'm not an oncologist )
There's still lots of research being done so the future is going to be even better. Thank you for your question , stay positive ❤️

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Hey✨ I wonder if you can help. I want to order a book via amazon but it's the first time I use amazon in Ireland🙊 if you used it before, kindly do you know if they deliver it straight home or should I collect it somewhere else? thanks✨✨💃

Yes ! I'll tell you first make sure they deliver to Ireland use the UK version as everything in there can be delivered to Ireland ! The usa one can get u excited o 70% of sellers ma yw9lon Ireland 😂💔 and yeah they deliver it to your apartment just put your address , download the amazon app on your phone makes shopping way easier < which might be dangerous as I'll broke quicker 😂 happy shopping ! And I hope u enjoy the book !

Yeah i have seen your graduation video from twitter and really delighted cngraaats ❤️ Hope for you a very happy lige full ofjoy and having the best man ❤️

Aw haha thanks for the wishes ! Same to u !


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