

Ask @tomytomytomy

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شلون يعني قوية

y3ny the feelings ely feha 8wya ;P ^.^ o el nas sa3at ygflon like when i tweet something i wrote about love everyone is like haaa t7ben -.-" m3na i only write those stuff lma akon mt'6ayga wela shy fa ma a7b i post everything i write bs el nas ely grab mny ygron l2nhum y3rfony o y3rfon ena ma 3ndy hal swalf ;P o i only write for the love of writing <3

What movie had the most impact on your life?

blood diamond it's a must see ,,, it makes me appreciate the life that i have and think about the things that i enjoy o other ppl ,,, slumdog millionaire everything is possible we learn a new thing from everywhere and everyone ,,, the help a person can actually make a difference !

"I can smell re7at el Cl feel the water on my skin taste the H2O as it touches my lips as i'm lifting my head out of the water 2 get some air Hear the water splashing as my hands vigorously hit the water" توج كتبتيه اب تويتر ما شاء الله أحب كتابتج مبدعة ليش ما تكتبين خواطرج نفس قبل بالفيسبوك

thankkkkk youuuuuu !!! mn tho8ch ;* mtab3a wanasa XD l2na eb twitter the writing is limited fa y6frny .. i think eb facebook i only posted two ,,, I've wrote one gbl chum week bs 8wya i can't post it ;P i'll send it to you if you want to just tell me who's this ? ^_^

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your english is really good what school do you go to ?

thanks ;P i don't go to school i'm in college now ,, the royal college of surgeons , ireland ,,, i used to go to jumana highschool ,, om 3a6ya el an9arya ,, '3rna6a ,, amnah , belal << hathol my schools mn el raw'6a le el thanwy ;P X'D

What does “success” mean to you?

making it on your own no cheating or whatsoever , doing your best to get what you want

favorite song?

English : iris by the goo goo dolls ,, your call by secondhand serenade ,, arabic : mutayam
Ps. kl few weeks 3ndy fav song bs hathol ely thabten right now a7b we found love + you da one by rihanna

Of all the tools and gadgets you own, which one do you most enjoy using?

my ipaaaaaaaaaaad <3 a7ba XD owo 5ala6ty ;P 3ndy 5ala6a a7bha 7ail i have it mn 10th grade o lma safrt ireland awl shy 7a6aita bl jn6a ahwa 5ala6ty ;P X'D

Do you Like M7ammad 3abdu ?

i'm not sure i know any of his songs ;P i might know a song bs ma adree ena ahwa y'3neha .. so i guess i don't like him XD sorry ;$ but i guess el nas athwa8

shnw akthar shay t7ibeena ib nafsich

5ol8an wala 5ol8eyan ;P ?! < reading them bl m3rb is funny XD
personality wise : a6wf o ast7ml wayd
physically : my hair

do your friends ever have a conversation and you just nodding your head and you didn't even understand what do thy talk about,,??

no ;P etha ma fhmt i'd wait for them to finish o agolhum tara ma fhmt shy ;P X'D a9dm 3eshthum and they have to say it all over again ;P

Do you believe that the human soul is eternal?

alahuu a3lm ... i know ena our life won't stop after death and death is just a beginning to a whole other life <3 ya rb yrzgna el jana o yb3d 3na 3athab el nar o el gaber ,, it's a hard question and i tried to answered it in the best way that i can ^.^

I love how you answer people!!!!!

OMGGGGG i love you moreee !!!! < i had a feeling that you were hyper when you wrote this !!!!!!! reading it made me hyper wohoooo X'D ask me akthr let's make this person happy <3 XD !

What song do you consider the most romantic?

someone asked me this question mn gbl n i wrote a list ;P scroll down X'D
the most romantic oh it's love by hellogoodbye * it's so cute 3ajeba <3 <3 <3 ^.^ ohhh dear ! it's been hardly a moment and u r already missed ,, i will hold you tight so you know it's loveeeee ohhhh sayyyyyyyy wouldn't you like to be older and married to me <3 n i will kiss you soft so you know it'sssss loveeeeeeeeeeeee * imma listen to it now ;P

how old r u ?

18 turning 19 next year on the 3rd of feb ;P n know that you asked you and whoever reads this answer HAVE TO wish me a happy birthday o bring me a gift ;P * if you're cheap i'm just kidding if you're karemen i'm not ;$ * << lol ast3b6 t8reban X'D

What TV show would you most like to be on

friends ! owo the big bang theory iiii looove them ! / owo pretty little liars bro7 bs agolhum omg you girls are so stupid o amshy ;P

From whom would you like to receive a letter?

from you ;P coz i think your question is interesting ! o a7s you'll write me something interesting !

What time of day do you feel most creative ? titanic <3 kate and leopard ;) '''' ??????

lol okay there was another question : what's your fav romantic movie XD i guess i pressed the wrong question and answered it .... awllll ma ag3d mn el noom when during my shower o chthy el sa3a 6-7 pm
Liked by: Dareen S A


Language: English