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يمه😐 زين المواضيع اللي اييبونها بالاختبار الشفهي مو المفروض من الحالات اللي درستوها يعني😐😐؟ يعني عادي اييبون شي خارجي مو معطينكم ياه ويقولون تكلمو عنه😐؟؟

من سنة رابعة ماكو كلاسات " تعليم ذاتي " احنا ندور كتب و ندرس و ندور حالات بالمستشفى و الامتحان ممكن ايي اي شي انا عن نفسي يتلي حاله بواحد من الامتحانات مكتوب عنها سطرين بالكتاب😂 بس اشوه اني قريت عنها زياده لان رفيجتي قالت شافتها بالمستشفى فقريت عنها من ناحية فضول و يتلي حمدلله عدت على خير😂

لي متى قاعده بالكويت وشنو مشاريعج حق العيد ؟

عندي سفره ويا اخوي شهر٧ و ما ادري بعدها اذا بنسافر مع بيتنا و لا .. و العيد ماكو نسيير على الأهل نفس كل سنة😝لا جديد !

بس صعبه اقتنع اكو احد درس وكررف واجتهد طول السنه وطالب مو سنه اولى يعني فاهم وضع الكليه واخر شي يرسب معقووول😕!!! نجاح عالحفه اقل شي يعني😕 شدعوه وين كل هاللي درسه وحفظه وكرفه طول السنه يعني😐

لان الامتحان يكون شفوي مو كتابه لو يا شي ما قروه و اهم قارين كل شي الا هالشي او موضوع مو متمكنين منه يوهق الوضع ... الله يوفق الكل انشاء الله🙌🏽

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بس هذيل اكيد ما درسو واستعبطو! الله يسامحهم والله من اسمع هالقصص اخاااااف😭💔 ادعيلي عفيه😢🙏

لا حرام يدرسون .. بس ما انكتب لهم يكملون .... " ليس بجدي و اجتهادي و إنما بتوفيق من ربي " الله يسر لكم...

The RCSI collaborations, are they for electives after sc1 or for the subI in sc2? Or can u go twice through collaboration?

I believe they're for both ? You can do summer electives and during the year, not sure as I didn't apply for any of them xD

هاي اتعرفين اشلون نفرق بين المرمرز؟ السيستولك والدايستوليك؟ صعععبين تأزمت تيننت بشنو يتفرق بينهم بضبط يعني😪😭

Sorry ! Hope it's not too late I didn't check ask through out my exams, when you auscultate the chest feel the radial pulse if you hear the murmur at the exact time you when you could feel the pulse that's a systolic one , if the pulse was " silent " it's diastolic.
Stenosis murmurs happens as a result of the blood going through a " tight " valve ; classified and doesn't open properly so you hear the noise when the blood is FORCED INTO the arteries/ chambers " force " happens in systole that's when the heart contracts
Regurgitation happens as a result of the blood back flowing into the chamber because the valve didn't close properly after systole, so when the heart is relaxed the blood goes back giving you the noise that make up regurgitation so that's during diastole !
This is very basic since you're struggling with the terminology
Watch videos of the heart pumping and check out how the valves work and try to imagine that reaaallllyy sorry if you needed that answer early on for an exam !

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Why no med student ever say the exam was easy? and you all have the same exact sentence 'a board exam would be easier than this one' secret behind this pls????

I did personally take the sample questions for the board examination ... And they were easier ... Ma nbal'3 klsh our exams were really hard even the shos and regs said they were hard and they couldn't answer themselves

😫 is this the case all the time and every year😢? Good luck😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Nop, starts in 4 med , in 3rd med there are no subjects or teaching in the second semester so the exam is based on everything you learnt in the pass 3 years not as hard as it sounds very easy ... In 4th med you have subject and teaching but you get your finals at the end of the year for both semesters, and actually you didn't get a break between them I only had a 2 weeks break mn bdayat shahr 9 o mara7 a5l9 finals until 17/6 ... Long YEAR !

hi, in rcsi, is there such a thing where you have to get examined in 1 exam with the material you took in 2 semesters (1 whole year)?

Yup doing this right now ,,, will get examined with a subject I took last September this week ... Pray for me !😅

مادري ليش افكر بالسقوط وانا ليلحيني لغه😔 الناس خرعوني من طب ايرلندا صعب وصعب والله تعقدت😭😭😭

Don't stress ! It doesn't happen that often !

بس في ناس تقول عقب سنه ثالثه لج فرصة وحده سقوط وعقب سنه خامسه (سنوات الكلنكل) لج فرصة وحده سقوط .. عفيه انتي متاكده لان سألت ٣ للحين وكلكم كلامكم يختلف .. مافي مكان يكتبون فيه هالاشياء دورت ع موقع الجامعه بالنت مالقيت😢

هممم! انا اعرف كذا احد بسنة ثالثة انطرد لان سنة اوله كانوا عايدين ... ما ادري اذا اخر سنتين شروطهم غير و لا ؟ و لا تفكرين بالسقوط قبل لا اتدشين حرام😂💔

حياتي الله يوفقج اي انا هذي اول سنه ومشتطه شوي😂 بس يمكن اكثر شي صدمني ان يأذن المغرب ٩ بالليل😂😅

أجمعين يا رب يسهل على الكل❤️🙌🏽😂

السلام عليكم لو سمحتي، جامعة rcsi صج حدنا سنة وحده من ناحية السقوط؟ يعني شلون ممكن تفهميني؟ يعني بال٧ سنوات مسموح لي اسقط بوحده فيهم واعيدها وبسس؟ انزين والسقوط شلون؟ الموديول داخله مواد لو سقطت بماده يعني سقطت بكل السنه!

بالسنة عندج مواد لو سقطتي اب ماده تعيدينها بالصيف و لو سقطتي " الدور الثاني " على حسب انتي اب اي كلاس لو كنتي فاونديشن تنطردين من الكلية لو كنتي مخلصه فاونديشن يصير لج حق تعيدين السنة ... اعادة السنة تكون مره وحده فقط طول ما انتي بالكلية نفرض لا سمح الله عدتي سنة اولى و بعدين كملتي وصلتي آخر سنة و سقطتي مره ثانيه مالج حق تعيدين السنه تنطردين ... لما تسقطين ماده تعيدينها بالصيف لما تسقطين الدور الثاني بالصيف يشوفون اذا فاونذيشن طرد اذا اول مره بتعيدين السنه يخلونج تعيدين اذا عايده سنة من قبل تنطردين

انزين ماقلتيلي عأسئلة الامتحانات، صج مرات يكون الامتحان وايد أسئلة من بره النوت؟🙊

No, not in Foundation, J,C or IC ! Bl 3ada ykon fe chum so2al 93b if ou know them you'll get higher grades ... Bs mu ena kl el exam mn bara el notes o if you didn't study another source you'll fail.... Maybe they'll do that eb senior cycle le al7en ma emt7nt d3watkum❤️

تعرفين مراجع او اماكن زينه ادرس منها بيوكيم لان معقدتنييي هالماده😢

I believe I just used the notes for it !

صج بال IC اكو كورس يقولون هذا اصعب كورس بال٧ سنوات، ايهو بالضبط؟ وصج جامعتنا مرات تييب امتحانات نص الاسئلة من بره النوت!

Sahalat IC , IC1 feha cardio alot of people fail this module , IC2 wayd mawad dsma bs it's not horrible IC3 sahalt .... Most people repeat 4th med SC1 and it's supposed to be the hardest year ... 7asab ely ygolonah !

to cover the human body from toes to scalp? yes it isn't too long😂 Plus we would be doing other subjects 😢

Don't worry about then you'll know exactly what to do once you start ! One step at a time ;)

السلام، متى تبتدي الكلنكل ييرز؟ وبالكلنكل ييرز ما يدرسونا الدراسه ذاتيه؟ وصج ماراح نقعد بدبلن كله بره بمستشفيات من منطقه لمنطقه؟

Ic3 third med, you'll have tutorials where they expect to know stuff y3ny mostly muraj3a mu tdres in IC3 bs Senior cycle klha feha tdres y3ny fe nas y3lmonkum mu kla 3la nfskum ... O 9j kla tsafron mn mustshfa le mstshfa

we r supposed to cover anotmy in 1.5 yrs😳😭! only!

Yes😂 isn't a year and a half too long ? 😂

Hey! after being done with JC1, JC2, and JC3 . What areas of anatomy we would have covered? approximation? think a bit? anything?😂🙏🏻

Jc1 is lower limb and urogenital jc2 is abdo , thorax and upper limb jc3 is head and neck , by jc3 you would cover the entire human body and you're done with anatomy ! You'll study a region and cover everything in it ( vessels, neuro, bones , muscles ) you'll study the human body from toes and ending up with the scalp😍 .... This made me miss anatomy 😶💔

Hahaha I don't expect you to remember it for surrre😂 I just say it to give you an idea of what I am talking about Thanks a lot💖

Np 😂

like it either give me two slides per one sheet but those 2 slides are the SAME ( it copied the same slide twice y3ne) or it give me very large slide in the page that some of the margins are not printed, sorry for that don't know if you can answer it here but I asked many and none of then knew!

I believe what you need to select is print as handout .... I know how to do it, without actually paying attention to what it is I click xD don't have a laptop right now to tell you exactly the steps I follow. I'll make sure I answer one of your questions once I do ... Tell then try to google it maybe ? Good luck with your finals !

tralee year, bio semester 2, first note, it's talking about Introduction to Histology, actually this sentence I wrote to you is the first in the note and it doesn't make sense! since what coming then is all talking about tissues an epithelial tissue!

Are you expecting me to remember a note from Tralee ? First page 😳 haha lower your expectations ! I think what they mean is that in vertebrates need at least 50 different cells, which originate from one cell again Google pluripotent stem cells. I'm not entirely sure what the note is about you should ask your classmates they'd be more helpful. When you don't understand something ask your tutors in class they're always really nice and don't mind explaining .... Another thing don't get caught up with tinny details if it's the intro sentence and you don't get it don't sweat over it ! Make sure you know the core material and understand it, if you're gonna go over every single thing you come across and confuse yourself with everything you'll waste a lot of time when studying.Best of luck hope that was helpful !

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