

Ask @tomytomytomy

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What do you think when you look in the mirror?

Damn it I'm really cute X'D << lma Akon in a really good mood * no I'm not m'3rora * ;P af9l 3ala nfsy ma y9er ;$ X'D

What do you do when your angery?

Aw5r 3n el shy / el person Ely m39bny immediately lma Ahda o I forget about it ,,, o if I was really angry o mn'3tha I go away cry o bs ;x

If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

Piano coz it's easy ;P I know shwya bs I'm not good at all X'D I'll memorise the note only if I played it every single day

if u can change something in ur personality what would be ? and something u want to have ?

Lose the shyness ! Bs ;P

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

With my friends n family <3 it's easy;P wake me up with my room filled with balloons * morning birthday girl * take me out for breakfast ,, and then el 3a9er m'3rb * party party * b3dha a6l3 to anyplace * the beach would be perfect a7b el b7r * X'D < the way that mommy does it ! I love surprise birthday parties b3d

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?

I don't do stupid things ;P but let's just say LOT'S OF STUPID THINGS HAPPEN TO ME x'D don't know where to start ;P

How do you celebrate when something great happens?

I jump all over the place ,, a9er super hyper ! Put on music and dance my heart out X'D

if you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life what would you choose?

A meal as in breakfast , launch or dinner ? If yes then I'd choose dinner ! If you mean an actual dish I'd choose pasta XD

What gift will you never forget?

A necklace that wld 5aly and his wife got me gbl la I travel to Ireland they dropped it to my house in the middle of the night <3 ! I actually never took it of since that day * Sna o n9 * <3

If you had the choice to add and/or remove "one" of ur friend, who would be?

No one ! If I didn like someone I wouldn't be friends with them from the beginning XD I love all of my friends Alan la y7rmny mnhum <3

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Hmmm .. El 9j el 9j el Kuwait ! Kl el dwl 7lwa bs sya7a derasa chthy not actually living for real ! El Kuwait 3z ;P <3 Alan y7f'6ha <3

Whats the oldest memory that you can remember ? or at least one of the old ones.

Playing bl play ground lma kna bl rw'6a ;P bl fr9a ywdona manak o y76on farashah bedha m5ma 3ashan ma nn7ash * ro3b * o bl class kna n'3ny this song * 6ery 6ery ya 3a9fora ana mthlk 7lwa 9'3yrona < el lyrics t76em * I miss rw'6ty XD


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