
Keira Kelly

Ask @uhhokkay

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I have to ask for your forgiveness. I always thought of you as way different than you actually are, in a negative way. But boy was I wrong. You're a very good person, Keira. I'm truly sorry for thinking otherwise.

I'll forgive you if you come off of anon. I won't post your name or anything, but I can't "forgive" you until you do so.

You're too kind for words. Thanks, you don't know what you've done, I owe you.

Wait is this good or bad? Who is this?:o

I'd LOVE to be friends with you. You are seriously fucking awesome. I think you hate me/think I am weird though lmao.

Nah man, i'm a pretty chill person. We can be friends!! hmu on facebook or something. Whatever floats your boat c:

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

I don't eat breakfast. Not enough time;-; i have a pretty early lunch though so it's okay

Why do people hate you so much? Is it because you aren't a fucking close-minded hoe whose peak in life is during high school? Must be it. The only thing I hate about you is that we own some of the same clothing items and I look like a sack of shit in them compared to yourself.

Nigga. I give the same amount of respect i get, back. Yaknow? Idk though. People are stupid, i have a few close friends and that's all i need:3 and hey! I'm sure you look great in the clothes. Don't compare yourself to anyone because as cliche as it sounds, you're your own person and everyone's unique.. You should message me on facebook or something. You seem pretty chill!

have you ever put a cigarette out on your tongue like tuco salamanca?

no i wish i could be as hardcore as tuco :C


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