
Violet Fox

Ask @violetemmafox

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What makes you special?

Me, a few days ago: Yeah I wanna get drunk Halloweekend but not like /too drunk/
Me, last night: Yeah let me take this 8th tequila shot real quick before we go out

What gossip about yourself has made you laugh?

Ever think that you have a new pimple developing because there's a red spot on your chin but it's just raspberry salad dressing? Just me? Okay.

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Describe a perfect night out!

One of the food runners from my job over the summer is literally so obsessed with me I can't log into Facebook without him messaging me asking where I am even though I told him a million times that I left for school PLEASE KILL ME

what's the most physically painful game you've ever played with your friends

I got this question like 4 days ago and I think I was the only one to get it so like tf is happening

What you know that others don't?

WHY did my professor think it was okay to cancel my 8:30 class when I had already left my dorm??? Like I can't handle how inconsiderate that is??? I could have slept at least an extra hour??? I feel ATTACKED

Do-over day! Tell us about three things you would do differently!

1. Not work out so hard because I'm sore af
2. Go to the gym early because than 3 wouldn't be an issue
3. Blow dry my hair before I did my makeup because there was a fire (not a real fire someone opened the emergency exit and set the alarm off AGAIN) in my building and I was mid-baking (my face not baked goods) and had soaking wet hair and had to GO OUTSIDE FOR 25 MINUTES WHERE ALL OF THE BOYS I LOVE COULD HAVE EASILY SEEN ME

what were u programming

Kevin F
OMG I just laughed so hard at this I don't know why!!! I had to do this weird assignment for my C++ class with strings and modules and shit I don't even know. It took me forever.
Liked by: Kevin F

What is the best place to hide things from others?

I've gotten so lazy that I can't even be bothered to walk probably 500 feet to go meet with my TA to ask her about a homework assignment. Gonna be in bed forever bye.

What is the most interesting invention?

When you're still trying to get over the same boy after he dragged you back in with his Instagram and you see him at the gym in a muscle tank HAHAHA WHAT IS MY LIFE

Who has the most beautiful eyes?

When you're starting to get over a boy and then he posts an Instagram and he just drags you back in ??????????
Liked by: Elia Monroe

Are you living your dream?

I mean I'm laying in bed at my house with my cat drinking Starbucks and eating popcorn so yeah basically

PAP your style icon!

Got back to the gym today for the first time in almost 2 weeks after being sick and I feel so good. I don't know how I used to not go to the gym at all.

Post a pic of your pup or pet!

Someone saw a clown in an alley at the fair in my hometown today and now my friends are sending pictures and videos of clowns in our group chat I'm signing out if life forever bye
Liked by: Mary Allison

Do you wish you could read someone's mind? Why?

Just got Chipotle and I'm actually about to cry because I'm so happy about it


Language: English