
Alanna Holmes

Ask @vorpalsword

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So what did you think about Third Star? Just kidding. I'm so sorry.

-_- It's probably my next favorite thing Benedict is in, after Sherlock. Feels yes, but a damned beautiful story.

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More like please leave your heart and tears and everything at the door and prepare your feels to be obliterated upon entry.

Nailed it.
Liked by: The Kleb

And you know what? I saved it. Put it in my favourites bar. For if I ever need a good cry again. A good sobfest. GOD THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL. I feel like I died.

Yep, been in my favorites for ages. (hi yes welcome to the fandom please leave your feels at the door.)
Liked by: The Kleb

[kidnaps you into my box and sobs] I have NEVER cried this hard over a fanfic. It's just too damn real that it isn't even FAIR.

Um, yeah. I cried myself to sleep after reading that one, woke up the next morning, and cried again. Withdrawls. ):

THAT IS NOT CONSOLATION. I AM NOT CONSOLED AT ALL BY THAT. [whimpers and hides in a box in some undisclosed section of the world]

If it's undisclosed can I still find the box and give you a hug and just say nevermind then I'll share the sad feels?


I'm sorryyyy. *awkwardly pats back and finds the tissue box* If it's any consolation it's the best and the worst thing I've ever read...

No seriously. Why are you so awesome? I mean...you're just so...AWESOME. I can't handle all the awesome!

*shoves a teacup into your hands cos I don't know*
Liked by: The Kleb

chris pine walks into your room what do you do

Ask how he got in. And then offer him coffee. x) (I don't even find him that attractive tho)

You're awesome, do you know that?

*curls up and burrows under blankets* /doesn't do well with compliments x) *whispers* you're even more awesome*

you want to be known as?

I can't tell if this should be a deep answer but: someone who listens. I don't know why. But if someone actually listens to what I say and loves me anyway I appreciate it so.

you are so awesome but if you can choose to be any cast, who would you be?

Something on Sherlock. IDGAF what.


Language: English