
• Winnie •

Ask @winyyyxx

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Hi Winnie! What happened to your blog? :0

HAHAHA nothing happened, i just changed the name of my blog!

Your blog is so nice !! How do u Customised everything? :)

Hehe thank you!! I designed part by part by myself!

Where do you normally buy your clothes from? They're so pretty !! Really hope u can blog about your recent ootds and say where you buy them :D

Thank you!!!! <3<3<3 Yes blogging about my recent ootds soon!! :D hehe keep a lookout xx

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What colour is ur kanken? Where did u buy it and how much? And ur sister's one :)

My kanken is forest green ox red. We got ours online from q0010 it was like some kind of deal thing going on but i guess the deal is already over tho around the month of Jan. I think u can go check others out!

Where Did you buy your red bandana? How much was it? :)

hahaha i got it from daiso they have nice bandanas! ;)

I see you should also put winner at ur bio!! Anyway u going to sm the audition thing

HAHAHA I'LL SEE HOW BC I STAN TOO MANY GROUPS!! omg no no im not bc i dont have talent in dancing nor singing so THATS NO NO (get it get it? b.i's "thats no no" HAHAHAHA)

you like ikon more then winner or both same

i actually like ikon more than winner (oh wait, i should say LOVE ikon instead HAHAHA)
but that doesn't mean i don't love winner bc I DO!!!! hehe just that im more into ikon!! ^_^

Who is ur bias in winner and ikon or you don't like them?

omg how can i not like them ikon is my bias group!! HAHAHA my bias is b.i! jinhwan & bobby spoiling my bias list ugh those Triple Kims :( winner is mino & taehyun! ^-^
(b.i is such a cutie cant wait for ikon's debut hehe!!)

Thank you!! I will follow your tips you're so smart!

You're welcome!! gahhh im not smart HAHAHAHA but thank you!! ^_*

so smart! How you learn it u yourself

i first started off with korean vowels & consonants then i go further into parts like double consonants & writing. Once you learn all those you should be able to read most korean words but being able to understand it is slighty harder so since i watch a lot of kshows/kdramas it kinda helps me. One more thing i always do is reading korean song lyrics instead of romanization lyrics and then learning the meaning of the lyrics too. My korean isnt that good yet ㅠㅠ but if ure planning to learn korean i hope i did gave u some tips hehe fighting!! ^-^

Winnie! Your so pretty and your korean is so good? You learn?

Ahhh thank you so much!! ^-^ yeah hehe self taught myself ㅋㅋ i still have a long way to go tho ㅠ_ㅠ

I thought music bank got give trophy like num1 or the week or what so ever

uh-huh but not like an award show hahahaha but this week's one no trophy given bc its year end special!

How long have you lived in your current home?

i was living in indonesia for like a few years as a baby then moved to sg so idk u calculate for me ok HAHAHAHA


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