

Ask @xiuhan997

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Hi! So, after eons of AFF hiatus, I stumbled accross XM9099 and remembered both of you. (Yes, both of you) How are you doing? We used to be in a roleplay together, and it wasn't really that long ahaha but you being XiuHan made me remember you because OTP! Hope you're doing well! - Kyungie

oh god- sorry! I thought no one would ask us anymore questions so I stopped login in. I can't remember eons but we are doing good :))) we are still together haha but we stopped writing

Hello! I saw that you had updated your story "you're mine", but it is on draft status so I can't read it. Is it on intention? I really want to read this story, because I have subscripted it a long time ago but I have'nt been able to read it so I don't even remember what is it about...

hi there sorry for late reply, we hid the story since we wanted to replot because we had a lot of gaps in the story - and also wanted to change tittle, poster etc but I know a lot of you lost patience so we reuploaded ch 1 and we will come back after finishing XM9099 and revamp you're mine ^^ wait a little longer we are almost there

hmmm half raw inside is good nice and creamy eue perfect consistency to reach the ovaries

sorry what? ah yes ouo;;

..are you crazy to think of all these ideas? and that scene where xiumin fucked himseld @ @ genius-

er- the xiumin screwing himself + belt hitting scene is the only scene me and and preshchen (aka Minnie) didn't think of- ouo;;
that was totally karenkwan01 idea ouo she has a very interesting idea when it comes to plotting so I placed her as our beta reader to carry the whole story onto a diff level. SO I would say Karen kwan is the genius ^^ (cough and the dirty mind too)

what do you think about karenkwan01 and preshen's writing style

interesting question um.. both better than mine lol
preshchen is very good at description but she always makes her sentence too long and tends to forget about pausing ;3; but over all it's gooood
karenkwan01 I haven't seen her write much since she is shy at the smut scene *cough-* so I can't really make any comment on it :3

do you like xiumin more or luhan?

er--- I'm a xiuhan fan so I love them both equally
I was really crazy for luhan ( the luhan effect *cough-) and then I fell really hard for xiu after reading a fan fic but overall I say I love them equally.

Language: English