

Ask @xlittlemidget

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Vertel is wa er is

People are just so mean to me. I know I’m fat, ugly, worthless, stupid; you don’t have to tell me. You think I don’t know that? I’m sorry for causing you pain. I’m sorry for my existence. I’m sorry for whatever I did to upset so many people to hate me so much. I should be the only one who hates me but I guess that’s not the case. I didn’t mean to do things wrong it just always happens with me. That’s all I’m good for really. And the worst part is that it’s not only peers around me who hate me it’s my family and teachers. I’m just not ever going to be good enough or accepted. One day that will all change. You won’t have to put up with my burden. I want to make it easier for you that way because I’ve caused everyone so much pain. I don’t want to do this anymore can’t you see? No one cares if I cry, no one cares if I cut open my own flesh, no one cares I starve myself, no one cares that I feel like I have to rid everything I ate that day, and nobody even wants to get to know me. I see the way you all look at me, the hate in your eyes, the failure you see in me, the discrimination against me commonly referring to my sexuality. There’s nothing to like. Everyone has all these talents and things they’re good at: making friends, good grades, athletic, loved. But what do I have? Nothing. I have absolutely nothing left. I don’t have any support within a thousand mile radius. I’ve lost so many battles in this war. I’m not winning anymore. Pretty soon the war will be over in your favour. Then neither of us will have to live in pain anymore. Thank you Gabby for entering my life fighting for me against all these ass holes who bully me in class and school. I wish you had come along sooner when I was actually able to be saved. I know people will miss me but you will all get over it. You have to so you can move on. Ten years from now I’ll just be a passing thought. That is all. You’ll know I’m gone but you’ll go about your day making the best of it, the way I wish I could have. All I wanted was to be noticed and accepted.

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eerst zien dage zelf inorde bent voor ge andere helpt. da klinkt mss egoistisch ma da is totaal ni zo. ge gaat altijd voor op andere (; x

Da kan ik nie da is net mn probleem :s x

eh meid, die tekst hier onder. daar is niks van waar eh, ge bent perfect op u eigen en ge moet u ni zo slecht voelen als ge wilt praten doe maar op facebook ofzo (: stay strong

Pf idk tis allemaal gewoon zo moeilijk en mense zegge da alles beter word ma die nie zo , dinge worde alleen ma slechter en niks helpt , ik help andere omda ik niemeer weet hoe ik mijzelf moet helpe , ik ben gewoon op maar danku slief
Liked by: Celine

Hi beautiful, goodmorning i hope you'll have a really nice day x

Kaily VD
Goodmorning gorgeous , i hope you'll have a really nice day to , you're perfect in your own way please don't let anyone tell you otherwise x
Liked by: Kaily VD

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