

Ask @yunisitiaisah

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Kalau dimasukin ke closefriends sama temen yg ga begitu akrab suka ngerasa geer/aneh gak?

Awkward kali ya

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Kalo kerjanya di dalam gedung terus, perlu pakai sunscreen gak si?

martianaland’s Profile PhotoIntan
For me, its a must. Tetep. Karena sinar uv masih bisa tembus lewat jendela. Its better if you still using spf in daylight.

Bagai mana sih caranya untuk meyakinkan seorang cewek yg sudah trauma oleh luka karna prasaan nya☺

Persistent with patient

so why almost all indonesian has a sweet smile ??

Mmm do you think so ? Well probably because we really are smiling from the bottom of our heart. 😊

What is the formula of happiness?

The one i see when i looked at the mirror said to me, grateful 😊

Do you like your name?

Well, when I was child. I used to think why had to be, why not another. But later, I fell in love and realize how special and beautiful is it on me. So, I proudly like my name.


Language: English