

Ask @zaicheta

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На какви въпроси не обичаш да отговаряш? / What questions do you hate to answer?

На молби за съвети, основно. Рядко се случва някой да отправи правилния въпрос към правилния човек, а повечето подобни допитвания касаят твърде строго индивидуални положения.
А, и „кп?“ не ми е от любимите.

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To be honest, one can not find the opportunity to exchange ideas with a rich and colorful brain such as yours, I would like to use every single opportunity to talk to you, yet you seem to have less time or interest in social media, which is a disaster for me and people who enjoy creative thinking.

My mind is hardly as rich and colourful as I would like it to be. x)
That aside, it is ask.fm in particular that I have little interest in nowadays, though I guess no other website I use predisposes to discussions. If it is any consolation, I always get to it sooner or later.
Liked by: Dstryr

I hate being told what to do so pressing someone for an answer is not even the last thing I would do, if I gave the impression that I demanded an aanswer no matter what, I am sorry. Please forgive my apologies. I was just asking for your point of view and I got my answer, Thank you again.

Oh, no, no, it is simply a figure of speech - not aimed at you, in particular, haha. In fact, I enjoyed this short discussion.
Liked by: Dstryr

You have a point but do not we tend to categorize everything and everyone around us according to some sort of measurement be it the amount of pleasure their company provides, the way they make us feel...etc ?

Ah, I see.
I don't really like the idea of a "worst type of friend", though - it would imply that I do not enjoy the company of, or the interaction with, some of my friends. It isn't a matter of negatives ("worst"), but of opposites (not as close, for example). Besides, sorting your friends into categories like "the funny ones", "the loud ones", "the hot messes", which is sort of what I imagined when I read your question, is just... not something a friend would do? Just like you wouldn't label them, based on their sexuality, skin colour, etc. Am I making sense, or is the cider showing, haha?
If I am pressed for an answer, I'd say the worst type of friend is a fake one. Otherwise, I'll take all of my mates with their supposed flaws and imperfections, because they just serve to make up one whole - that of a person I love.

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Liked by: Dstryr

What do you hope will soon go out of style?

A year ago, I would have said "mistaking confidence for narcissism and independence for selfishness".
Nowadays, whether it be to keep up with trends, or as a subconscious defence mechanism, I think it might be the other way around.
Liked by: Dstryr

How do you keep up your motivation for doing boring but inevitable things

By tricking my brain.
One way for me to do that is to create lists of short, almost insignificant tasks that I have to complete throughout the day (water the plants, clean the kitty litter, work on my portfolio, etc.) and get high off the false sense of accomplishment I get from ticking them off. Or maybe I just don't like leaving them unticked when everything else is so tidy.
If not, I'll turn something mundane into a ritual and put as much personal effort into it as I can. Cleaning and cooking? Don't you mean cleansing and kitchen witchcraft?

What's one event in your life that you can't believe actually happened?

I get to review Delain's new album "Moonbathers" on my blog before its actual release, and it's coming soon!
Fair enough, that sounds pretty believable, but I have been a long-term fan, so. x)

What was your last "why didn't I start doing this sooner" moment?

I don't know about a specific moment, but I wish I had started blogging about my travels sooner. I've lost count of how many times I've visited certain cities, yet I've never described them because I haven't been there for a while and it feels very incomplete at the moment.

Какво смяташ за teh romanticizing на интровертността, асоциалността, психичните и психологични заболявания и прочие "странности", което се случва в интернет? Сякаш около всички, показващи такива признаци, витае една мистична и обаятелна аура, будеща любопитство.

Прощавай, но трябва да вметна една забележка: не смятам, че интровертността има каквото и да било място сред останалите изброени тук, нито, че всички те могат да се поставят под лековатия общ знаменател „странност“.
Това настрана, чистичко и просто смятам, че хората, виновни за романтизирането на психични заболявания, не са съвсем наясно с това какво точно представляват те. Да го наречем интерес към непознатото. Сигурна съм, че ако някой ден видят с очите си маниен епизод, доста бързо ще се откажат от идеята, че да си биполярен е просто по-интересен синоним на „променливо настроение“.

What has someone said( positive or negative) that's stuck with you your whole life?

"You don't need to worry that much about what people think of you, nobody actually cares anyway."
Which can sound both good and bad, depending on the circumstances, but it was one of the first thoughts that helped my young teen self get over her horrible shyness. Partially.

здравей :) препоръчай ми хубава маска за изтощена коса

Най-често просто спя с кокосово масло в главата, или с маска от тривитаминол. Рецепти има навсякъде, но аз слагам по две супени лъжици тривитаминол, слаб алкохол (най-често ром) и нещо мазничко. Аргановото и бадемовото масло са ми любими, но и зехтин върши работа. Седиш минимум два часа с нея и после я отмиваш много старателно, но не и грубо.
Впрочем, ако имаш достъп до LUSH и ти е по джоба, имат една вълшебна смес, наречена R&B. Преди си слагах много пестеливо от нея само по краищата след къпане, но след изрусяването започнах всеки ден да слагам по малко, избягвайки корените, и косата ми живваше за секунди.
Забележка: косата ми е удивително здрава и мека, дори след три постепенни изрусявания, тъй че се разминавам с доста малко усилия и финансови щети.

Според теб коя е "Беки с хубавата коса" дето Бионсе пее в една от новите си песни "Сори"

Рискувам да ме изгорят на клада, но... темата не ме интересува толкова. Не съм слушала нищо на Бионсе от „4“ нататък. Да не говорим, че публичният личен живот на един изпълнител обикновено ме касае по-малко от творчеството му.
Между другото, моля ви, превеждайте заглавието смислово, а не звуково - тази жаргонна чуждица надали предава първоначалния заряд на песента точно.


Language: English