
Alex Tellez

Ask @zellet132

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Tbh Alex man you astound me man. you're musical talent is tremendous and I know that if you follow your heart your music and talents and the characteristics that make you, you and life will take you far

MalikJamama’s Profile PhotoJamal Malik
Thanks for this. I remember listening to your voice and bring blown away! I wish you the best with whatever goes through your path!

What’s wrong with the world?

Ultra-religious bigots who do not respect the beliefs of others in this country. The fact that certain people refuse to move forward and progress, and choose to live in the 1960s. The fact that gulags and concentration camps exist TODAY in North Korea. The fact that people claim our Founding Founders were "Christians" and that they drafted the constitution so that America would be a "Christian" nation. They were deists. If you don't know what that is, look it up. I'm sure they were frown upon those who still want scripture to be taught in public schools. I'm also upset that people taunt others because they're gay, or they have a disability, or they made a HUGE mistake... to the point where people KILL themselves? What the fuck is wrong with people?! "Land of the free", huh? Also, no, America isn't screwed up because of Obama. It also didn't get screwed because of Bush, or because of Clinton, etc., etc. Our economic problems began way before the turn or the 19th century. In fact, the only time this country was debt-free was during Andrew Jackson's administration - and it's been downhill since there. So, before you want to put the blame on a particular president, realize that the presidency CREATES leaders, not brings them. So, don't go calling Obama a "socialist Nazi" without realizing that both are completely DIFFERENT ideologies.
I'm sorry I had to rant off like that, but I find I can confess a lot of my thoughts on here. I'm not a good person-at all... but I try to be. I really do. I don't like seeing a human being hurt another human being. I feel like that draws us away from peace. Just learn to love and tolerate.

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how can you tell when you really like/love someone?

Like and love are two different things. When you feel as though you would travel halfway around the world just to be with this person, when you'd be willing to take a shot or a stab for them, and when you're willing to accept every bad mistake they've done in the past and all the baggage they carry with them and move past it because you want nothing but to wake up each morning with them for the rest of your life, then you'll know you're in love...

If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?

I'm currently in the process of writing one, actually. it's a teen fiction called Following Daniel's Footsteps. I only have three chapters, the prologue, and the epilogue written so far. I don't want to discuss a lot about it since I'm still figuring it all out. but I do want it to change society in some way. I want it to spark controversy. I want it to make people think.
Liked by: Rebecca Michelle


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