
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Have you ever been approached by a fan outside of a convention? What is the feeling like of being recognized by a fan for the first time?

I get recognized quite a bit actually. I absolutely love it when someone pulls me aside to tell me they're a fan. It happened 3 times while my parents were visiting, which I think helped validate what I'm doing to them. I've also taken photos with people at the airport, the gym, while I was grocery shopping, and at the movies. Always a pleasure.

I know you're an Achievement Hunter (capitals) but are you an achievement hunter? Like do you worry about getting a big gamer score and perfecting games? What is your GS/Number of 100% games?

I like getting achievements, and will go out of my way to get them, but I will not waste a lot of my time just to perfect a game. Like in Goat Simulator I don't have the Flappy Goat achievement, and just have no will to get it. I have 100%ed a lot of games, not sure how many, and my gamerscore is currently 92,803. So technically, I have the 4th highest gamerscore in AH behind Michael, Geoff, and Matt.

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Wait...is Joel your boss, or is Geoff? Or are they both "technically" your bosses? How are they each different as bosses? (Like I feel like Geoff is really chill...)

I have two bosses. Joel is definitely more strict than Geoff. He worries when stuff isn't done very early or if anything doesn't go exactly as planned. Geoff will just kind of shrug it off and find something else to do.

When you play RPGs like mass effect or maybe even the tell tale games, do you go with either all good or bad options or do you just play it how you would do it if you were in that situation?

I have much more fun being really bad in those games, but often times being good makes the game easier. Depends on how hard you want your experience to be.

Do you visit the RT subreddit? If yes, what do you think about all of the discussion about negative topics, like RT is doomed, etc?

I do visit the subreddit. Some people enjoy making a big deal out of things they don't fully understand. RT has employees who have the sole job of watching how the company is doing and steering us in the right direction. They know any issues RT might have. Some people might freak out because they think they've figured out some problem that we don't know... but this is our entire lives. Trust me, no fan on reddit is going to blow us away with information we don't know and haven't already solved in the best way.


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