
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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So we've had uno and mario party the movie, any movies that you personally want to make or be part of?

Maybe something like Towerfall: The Movie. First to win 5 games.
Liked by: Ben T.

Have you ever listened to Mindless Self Indulgence? If you have, what's your favorite song by them?

Yes I have. I saw them live when I was younger. Always was a fan of Shut Me Up. Got my nose busted open in a mosh-pit to that song. Was a great day.

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Do you have plans to post your streams to your YouTube channel in the future? Normally you stream around 3-6 AM my local time so watching them live isn't exactly the best solution.

I've tried, but it takes an amount of time that I don't have at the moment. I don't like uploading streams without some form of editing on them, so I need to make time to sit down and actually do that.

Do you have any game or franchise that you know it's widely considered bad or mediocre, but you still love to play them?

Not really. If people tell me it's bad, then I avoid it.

you guys should play cards against humanity as a lets play

Eh, we'll see. We'd have to make it different from all the CaH vids out there somehow
Liked by: Hannah Goetz

did you play any sports in school?

Gymnastics and football. But I got an unfortunate injury shortly into football, so I didn't do much.

Are there people at RT who are pretentious or clique-y? I've heard that people who aren't camera personalities tend to be disrespected, and that certain people are braggy about having fans who are willing to do anything for them

No one in my experience has ever been like that. I think everyone on camera knows how important the people who aren't on camera are to Rooster Teeth. Just because we don't see their faces, doesn't mean they don't do a lot.
Liked by: Joey Tapia

What was it like meeting and talking to the achievement hunter/rooster teeth people for the first time?

It was a very tense situation, because I know first impressions are so important, and I didn't want to screw up my relationship with anyone. I think it all went well

Jeremy, have you considered doing a rap colab with some else like Dan Bull, Rockit Gamig, Boyinaband And would you do it if you had the chance?

I probably wouldn't if I got the chance. I'm not confident in my own abilities compared to most youtube rap artists, so I get nervous I would bring them down with what I would provide.

You go the gym(I assume). Wanted to ask if you listen to music there and what are the top songs you lift to?

Yes I listen to music there. It changes constantly, but right now its only like 7 songs on a loop.
Prayer for the Damned - Sixx AM
Barbarians - Sixx AM
We Will Not Go Quietly - Sixx AM
That's Gonna Leave a Scar - Sixx AM
Wolf at Your Door - Sixx AM
Feel Invincible - Skillet
We Are the Enemy - Aranda

Have you ever been seriously told off at AH? What kind of things would it take to get that? What with breaking things, drinking and yelling being normal for you guys.

To get seriously told off at AH will probably never happen, because that would assume one of us was being a way worse person than any of us are capable of being. We all have common sense and know when something is too far

Would you ever consider doing another collaboration with someone like BasicallyIDoWrk, Vanoss, I AM WILDCAT, H20 Delirious, etc. I loved the one Wiki Challenge video you did with him. I'm unsure if you're allowed to or not. But preemptive thank you for the answer. :) Keep on, keeping on.

Yes I'm allowed to, and I'd love to work with any of those guys. Collab videos just don't do well on Let's Play, unfortunately. I hate being the guy who goes to them saying I want to make a video, and then the video comes out and gets little views and the comments are people yelling about it.

How long did it take to shoot schooled season 2

The better part of five days, I believe. It was during a three day weekend and we were in every day, sometimes until pretty late at night.

What's your favorite candy?

Spree, but old Spree. They used to be really chewy and super good. Now whenever I see them and buy them they are brittle candy and break apart when you eat them. Not as good. :(

Why do you guys make fun of Matt and Gavin for being lanky and skinny when Trevor "Slenderman" Collins exists?

It's hard to explain. Trevor is pretty lanky, but it's a healthy looking lanky. Gavin is just super skinny. Matt's limbs are like oddly skinny for his body.
Liked by: Khoi Trinh

i forgot that youre married.. who in achievement hunter other than gavin isnt?

Only people from the support room. Larry, Matt, Trevor, Steffie, Neal, Andy, and Ashley I believe. Actually, I'm not sure about Ashley. Don't hold me to that.

Have u seen that fake roosterteeth twitter account and does it ever confuse you, I thinks it's handle roosterterth but it always confuses me

I have no idea what you're talking about. Regardless, people who own fake accounts for real things really need to reevaluate their life.
Liked by: Joey Tapia


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