
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Hey Jeremy I was just wondering what is your favorite thing about having cats . I really want one but i currently can't have one :/

When they cuddle up to you and go to sleep. It's very relaxing, especially when they're purring, too.
Liked by: CrazyMorbidity Anny

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Outside of work how many hours a day do you game? Any days off?

Usually 0, unless I'm streaming. Saturdays are my full days off. No work and no stream.

How do you feel about writing the potentially most pirated song of 2017?

Haha, hopefully that isn't the case. The more people that pirate it, the less people buy it, and therefore the lower the chance I'll ever get to make something like this again.

Sucks you won't be getting home in time. Can't wait to see the next stream. What do you think changed when you became part of the main six? Was it a tough transition?

It wasn't a tough transition for me, so much as for the fans. Not everyone has accepted it yet, but they're getting there. I've been working hard to see what works and what doesn't and I think I'm finally settling into a spot that everyone is comfortable with.

First I just wanna say that I really love you and you're my favorite person at AH (even though I hate to pick favorites), my question is: What's your favorite pizza topping? And deep dish or thin crust?

Izzy Lahr
Feta Cheese. Love that on a pizza. And the thicker the crust, the happier I am.

Hey Jeremy! I know that you made a bunch of community videos before you came to AH but I was wondering if you did anything else to stand out to AH? (Any other sort of videos, podcasts, volunteered at RTX, etc)

I made the rap battles, I attended PAX East and RTX several times, participated in contests, was active in the forums on the site, tuned in and commented on live events, made posts on the subreddit, did a lot of fan art and gave several pieces of it to people at live events, and I made collaborative efforts on the Community Channel to not stick to one person and instead make videos with everyone.
Liked by: Samantha

How was your time in Boston? Btw thank you for taking a video with me, I'm sorry I was a bumbling mess, it was just so surreal to be talking to you and actually meet you in person. Achievement hunter has been such a huge part of my life for so long and I appreciate you guys so much for being so real

Lucy Singleton
My time is Boston was pretty good, it was just very very cold. I normally like taking walks around the city, or visiting the place I proposed to Kat, or just generally being outside, but I really couldn't do that this time.
Liked by: Lucy Singleton

Do you have a Spotify account that you use to listen to music, or something else?

No. I've only ever used iTunes

You said before if you left AH you'd want to be an actor, have you ever acted on stage/screen outside of RT and if so what did you do?

Callum Cunningham
I used to be on stage a lot when I was in school, and usually I was the comedian. I always really liked helping film students in my school on their projects if they needed another person in their movie. I love to act, whether it's for comedy or a more serious role. It's fun to put yourself in a situation and convince yourself it's real.

Did you and Kat go to different colleges? If so how far away were they and how did you make long distance work?

We did, but they were essentially right now the street from one another. We were never further than a 20 minute drive apart. She did, however, go to Saudi Arabia for about a month and a half one time, if I recall correctly, and that was rough. I talked to her every night until she was back.
Liked by: Lorenzo Giachè

Hi Jeremy! If you were to come to RTX London/the UK any time in the future, what's some things you'd like to try while you were over there?

I'd just have Kat show me around. She loves it there and has said I'm not allowed to go without her.

What is the best part of your job and, what is the worst?( If there is one)

Nile L
Best part is all the opportunities I get from working there. A ton of stuff I never thought I'd get the chance to do. The worst part is the internet itself can be a harsh place, and that's something we all have to live with.

Do you still remember the day you met Kat? :) You two are just so fucking cute together!

Yeah of course I do. It was a school dance in February, so it must have been for Valentine's day or something. Told me friend some dumb joke, she overheard me and started laughing. I've said many times that the thing I'm most attracted to in woman is their smile, and I thought hers was really pretty, so I talked to her and we ended up dancing pretty much all night.


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