
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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What was your favourite thing you signed at RTX?

There was a great piece of fan art from Samijen that I loved. Also a printout of an UNO the movie poster. I think my favorite thing, though, was the mask of someone who was wearing a Rimmy Tim Evolved costume. It looked amazing.

What's it like now that you're "famous"? Do you feel any different, do you feel like it's changed you?

It's definitely changed me, but I try to not let it. Basically I've started saying "no" to more things recently, and I hate that.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

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Hi Jeremy! Do you like receiving homemade objects from fans, or does it sort of become clutter after a while? <3

It's a mixture. I love getting stuff from fans, and yes, some of it eventually becomes clutter. But I have a place in my house I put all of my fan items, and I'm gonna do my best to show it all on stream in the future.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Hey there Jeremy! I sent some AH fan art recently of everyone's "achieve" logo. Hope you guys like it. Do you guys honestly like getting a lot of fan art though?

Myles Johnson
I think the general answer is yes, we all like it. I personally love fan art, especially in physical form, because I can hang it up somewhere.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Hi jeremy I managed to see you at rtxsydney! How do you keep up your energy and get motivation for events like rtx? You were amazing start to finish

I get plenty of sleep the night before, and then basically just let the energy from fans carry me through the day. The VIP party in Sydney was a bit difficult for me, however. Between the time zone, long day, Rimmy Tim outfit, and many many beers, I was totally out of it.

Hey Jeremy! Was very fortunate to see you out at Star Bar the other night before RTX. Was just wondering, has being thrust into the public eye somewhat since joining AH changed things for you? Are there considerations you take now before you go out in public that you didn't when before?

To a very small extent. 90% of the time when I go out, someone wont recognize me, and when people do, they are usually very nice and I have no issue taking a photo with them. The only times I actually need to alter plans and things like that is during conventions, because otherwise I wont be able to get anywhere. I find it really hard to say "no" to fans who want a photo or signature, so I can swarmed at conventions pretty easily.

Hey Jeremy! Any idea when Sarge vs. Church will reach places like iTunes? Or maybe a rerelease of Terror Eyes with the Dead by Daylight verse?

Terror Eyes will not get a rerelease. That's specifically for LPL. As for Church vs Sarge, that's up to the RvB guys, so I have no idea.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Out of curiosity, why can't/wont you stream with Jack or Ryan? (Sorry if you get this asked a lot but I always wondered this)

I do get asked this a lot, and it's actually a command from nightbot on my stream. RT understandably doesn't like multiple members of AH talent streaming with one another, because in their minds, why wouldn't that be labeled as AH content? So rather than go through a whole process of trying to define the difference, I just choose not to stream with them at all.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

What was a game/video that you really loved, but didn't seem to find an audience?

Umm, I honestly can't think of one. The only videos I really look forward to making are ones that usually do pretty well
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

What was the most recent wrestling thing you watched? and the last time you watch "seriously"?

I saw a clip from the 2017 royal rumble, but I really can't remember the last time I watched a full episode of wrestling. It actually might have been on a flight and Raw happened to be on
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

I'm starting to dye my hair like yours. Right now it's blue. Any suggestion on my next color?

Myles Johnson
Just go with whatever you think will look good. One warning I have is that blue seems to fade quickly and red is a bitch to get back out.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell


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