
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Haha someone just asked the same question so let me follow up. How long did you guys date before you asked her to marry you?

Lindsay Sproule
We dated for eight years before I asked her to marry me. But keep in mind, I was 22 when I asked her. We had been dating since I was 14, so I wasn't making her wait for no reason. Just wanted to be old enough to where it made sense.

Since you said that DbD is starting to lose your interests, what other games -or types of games- can we expect to see during streams?

Becky Taylor
Had fun doing the master run of Titanfall. I hope to do more achievement hunting streams in the future. I also like doing Jackbox with fans, and probably more GTA with fans.

How did you meet Kat and what made you name your cats after video game characters?

We like video games, so we thought those names would work well. Also, I answered the meet question just a little bit ago, look through my answers and you'll see it :D
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

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Hey! Glad you guys made it safe! How did you you and Kat meet? I don't think I've ever heard the story before

Lindsay Sproule
I made a joke at a school dance that she overheard and starting laughing. I asked her to dance and we stayed together the whole night. That's how we met.

whats the coolest thing about getting fanart of yourself? / whats your favourite thing about the way fans draw you?

It's very cool. I used to make fanart as well, so I know the work that goes into it. I really like when fans draw me stylized to whatever game I'm playing. Like in my GTA clothes, or looking really malicious in Dead by Daylight. Whatever I was doing in that particular video.

When did you move to Austin? and was the move stressful at all?

Yeah. Moving is never easy. We had just moved all our stuff into a new house a few months earlier. So taking everything out and moving it again was not fun.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

Would you recommend working at Rooster Teeth, or do you find it lack luster at times?

I mean, yes I recommend it. It's a dream job. Just don't assume that it's all fun and no work. It's a ton of work and responsibility.

You're going to Disney?? Thats awesome! Have you been there before? Space Mountain is a personal favorite ride of mine so if you get the chance you should definitely ride it. Hope you have fun!

This is the fourth time I'll have gone to Disney World.

If you were to move away from AH, would you still work at RT, and if so what different department? (Game Kids, The Know, Animation, acting/voice acting, etc)

I don't know if I'd be happy working at any of those other departments full-time. If I moved away from AH, I'd probably be done with RT.
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell


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