
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Who's your favorite Achievement Hunter to record videos with?

It's not really a person thing, for me. It's a game choice. There's certain games that will never make an entertaining video, at least for me, no matter who I'm with. Any of the five I can make really good content with, if we have something to work with.

What are some tips for someone thinking about getting a tattoo, from your personal experience?

Really really really make sure it's something you want. Then design it. Know exactly what it's gonna look like. Then take that design, put it away, and look at it again in a week or so and see how you feel about it then.

Is it too personal to say why you needed to get two needles a day and some in your stomach? Glad you are okay now though!

Lindsay Sproule
I have a blood condition which causes my blood to clot easier than normal, called Factor Five Leiden. So after breaking my leg I developed two blood clots. I had to inject myself with blood thinners twice a day, once when I woke up, and once right before bed. Both of those were very painful needles in the stomach, which left behind bruises, so they had to happen in a different spot every time. Then I had to go to the hospital in the morning and evening to test my blood and make sure I was taking enough. Eventually they just stuck a needle in my leg that had a tube attached, and instead of injecting my stomach I could just use the tube. Still sucked.

Do you have a list of website pun insults for everyone in AH?

No. I've run out of websites I wrote outside of videos. I just have to go off the top of my head most of the time
Liked by: Caitlyn Mitchell

I didn't realize it, but I've really been missing you addressing yourself in the third person in videos. How come that came to an end?

I think that stopped happening because I don't play games with my friends anymore, which is where I used to do that all the time. They further I got from those days, the less I did the third person thing.

Hey Jeremy! Is there anyway (Maybe a link or you telling someone) to suggest a game for a Let's Watch or Play Pals? It's a pretty scary/fucked up game called "Welcome To The Game" and it explores the Deep Web (Not actually showing fucked up shit but talks about it) Thanks in advance!! <3

There's a weekly suggestion thread on the subreddit that we look at. Or you can tweet it at Michael/Gavin and hope they see it, but that's less likely.

Where do you draw the line at things you would do for an on stream punishment?

When it becomes dangerous for my well being. Drinking has even skirted this line. Getting donations is not worth getting hurt or doing any damage.

I'm afraid to donate blood because I have Fibromyalgia and there hasn't been enough research on it to know how it's transmitted. Have you ever given blood? I hope I can someday, though!

Veronica Fender
No I haven't given blood. There was a period of my life when I needed to have my blood drawn twice a day for about a month, in addition to two additional needles in my stomach. I kind of have this big fear of needles now, so I avoid them whenever possible.


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