
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Are you happy with your height and why? (Not a dis. Im pretty sure I'm smaller than you. 4' 11"and done growing.)

Catt Bonilla
No I'm not happy with my height, but there's really nothing I can do about it. I used to get in fights constantly when I was younger whenever someone made a joke about it. I don't really have that luxury anymore, so I have to learn to just live with it. Kind of sucks.

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Did kicking the box fan hurt your knee? Are you okay?

It didn't hurt. I've yet to try kicking something and it actually hurt. Your heel is pretty damn tough. I usually just play it up like I'm in pain when the kick doesn't work

How did you decide to let someone stay in your guest bedroom for the xtra life raffle? How do you feel about it overall?

I felt bad that the winners had to buy flight and hotel tickets. I understand that RT can't really afford that, but I wanted to make it easier on whoever won the raffle, so I thought I'd take care of the hotel expense for the Off Topic winner. Least I could do. I'm sure they'll be fine and we'll play some Mario Party or something. I'll probably have people like Trevor and Michael over as well.


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