
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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The sweetest thing someone's ever said to you?

I've met a lot of people recently at Let's Play Lives and such. A lot of fans. They say some of the nicest things. My chat on twitch also has said some incredible nice and humbling things to me. I think the award might go to Kat, though, for when she told me she'd stay with me and go anywhere with me. Which is how we ended up in Texas.

What would you do if you couldn't really use your hands anymore? (Like a doctor strange accident with shakey hands or something similar)

I honestly have no idea. I wouldn't be able to game anymore. I'd focus on music and writing more. Would just need one of those things I can talk to instead of writing.

Hey Jeremy, I know this isn't a question but you seem a little sad/upset, or maybe you're just tired but either way, I hope you're okay :)

No worries. I'm fine. Sorry to pull back the curtain a bit, but I'm not always the smiley, laughing person I am on camera.

So as a rapper who doesn't listen to rap, how did you get into it/so good at it?

Jonathan Zagaiski
I spent a lot of my childhood trying to write music, and most of it was in the style of Linkin Park. Eventually I got better at it, and then started listening to Epic Rap Battles of History, and thought "I could maybe do that."

Been making content for awhile now and am having fun with it (and learning a lot about editing) but some days it just gets discouraging when no one watches it. Advice?

Work through it. It will feel that way for a while. But all it takes is one video to go slightly viral to really help your channel take off

Favorite whose line moment? (Or top 5) :D

1. Ryan smashing the desk light with his head as Carol Channing in Party Quirks.
2. The arctic tern comment from Colin during greatest hits.
3. "The cat" fiasco between Ryan and Colin during improbable mission.
4. Greg's German version of the millionaire show. (I still say "do not vaste it" in a German accent all the time because of that).
5. Richard Simmons guest appearance in Living Scenery.

Best piece of advice for those that want to join the entertainment industry and are in college at the moment?

Focus on college, and don't make the entertainment industry your only goal. Have backup plans ready to go. Then work on it in your free time and just continue practicing what it is you want to do


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