
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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From what I understand the community didn't take to you too well, have you seen a change in attitude over time as people get to know you better?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. People still hate me in youtube comments. In everything else, they love me. Especially live events. People chant 'Lil J' literally anytime I'm on stage. It's a great feeling. But I get that maybe 5 times a year, as opposed to youtube comments which I see every day of my life. It's by far the worst part of my job.

What should I do if I'm not sure if I like the major I'm in at college anymore. I want to get a degree but I also don't know if I can stick it out another year and a half. I'm really interested in film production and video editing but I'm in a science major and it's kinda hard for me... help!

Megan Sousa
Not an easy situation. It might be worth changing majors. otherwise you could be stuck in a job you dislike for the rest of your life

I feel like this must have been asked before, but what happened when you first met Kat? How long after meeting her until you were interested in her romantically?

I met her at a school dance, and I was interested in her immediately. We didn't talk again for a month after that, when we met at another dance, and then we went on a date to the movies. Started dating then.


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