
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Besides kissing Matt, what's the gayest thing you've ever done?

That was probably it. I really didn't care about it, though, because kissing another dude for comedy is something I find very funny. Probably from all my years of watching Whose Line. The crowd shock of it is always amusing.
Liked by: Spider Kaylee finn

Would you consider bringing back Presented With Comment but with positive/funny comments instead of toxic/mean ones? That could help keep the comment sections nicer and more friendly.

Unfortunately, then the show wouldn't do well. It would just seem like six of us sitting around tooting our own horns. The bad comments are what made it funny, but unfortunately, the AH youtube comment section is literally one of the worst on the internet. I have no interest in being part of something I hate so much.

Lately everyone has been treating me like a leper. All because i voted for Trump. I know that we disagree and i respect you. Many stars attacked the voters that voted for Trump. Thank you for not doing that. And please tell Mica that not all Trump supporters hate everyone.

Everyone has a right to their own decision. That's the point of voting. I have family members who voted for Trump. That doesn't mean I hate them. I just personally feel like he isn't a fitting politician. Don't get me wrong, neither was Hillary, but her policies that I didn't agree with could change in office or not be passed. Trump can't not be Trump. Which is his worst quality. I'm nervous about international relations with him at the helm. I also just can't condone some of the things he has said in the past. I don't want to get into the specifics of policies, because frankly there were some on both sides that I didn't like, but there were more on the Trump side. Again, you're entitled to your vote, so regardless of who won, I appreciate that you actually took the time to go vote. I'm more upset with the people who didn't go out and vote at all than the people who voted for Trump.

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Liked by: Joeyiscool621 Spider

What would be good capture equipment for someone who wants to stream/record videos for twitch/youtube?

My personal favorite is an Elgato 1080 60. Those are awesome. The 1080s is better latency-wise, but that's just for streaming. On the cheaper side, you can make do with a Roxio for a while, though the quality is set to 720.

Jeremy, I thing we have a very similar taste in music, and I need new music! I love Three Days Grace, Adelitas Way, Breaking Benjamin, Seether, Otherwise and Shinedown. Do you have any suggestions?

Aranda, Rise Against, Skillet, Papa Roach, Trapt, Thousand Foot Crutch, Linkin Park, Five Finger Death Punch. Those are some of my other favorites.

Have you ever fainted before Amd if so what was it like?

No. I've been knocked out, but I've never fainted. You essentially feel something hit you in the head, and then next thing you know you're on the ground and don't remember the fall

I just have a quick question about your guys' VR The Champions setup. When everyone is sitting at their desks with their mics is the gameplay also showing on everyone's monitor?

No, it's showing on a large monitor we have over Jack and Gavin's desk. That's where we do all our single screen Let's Plays, and usually it's showing our audio during everything else.

It's alarming how much we have in common, when was the last times you became good friends with someone outside of work? Like met at a bar or while playing online?

A long time ago. I don't really make new friends, I just stick to who I have. I honestly can't remember the last time I just happen to meet someone in a bar or something and then stayed in touch. Last time was maybe Spencer messaging me on the RT site before I worked at RT saying he liked the rap I wrote. That was over three years ago, and now we write music together.
Liked by: Morgan B

I would love to invite you to my Prom this year, but between the dumb age thing, and not wanting to get Kat mad, because you two are the cutest, would you maybe just answer this with anything? You've helped me through a lot, and I honestly love you and Kat! <3

Wish I could go, but yeah I think I'm a little too old for proms. Lol. Hope all goes well and thanks for the kind words

Are you gonna start a stream archive? (I just wanna watch all your DbD streams, I don't care if they're edited >.<)

I've considered it, but basically I have a certain way I think youtube should be used. I don't believe in uploading long unedited videos. I only want to upload videos I enjoy watching, which are short, highly edited, highlights.
Liked by: Morgan B

How old were you when you first started making videos? And any tips for someone who wants to get started making YouTube videos?

I was probably 17ish. The tips are to just get started. Make sure you have fun, have decent capture equipment (which isnt that expensive), and actually edit your videos. Don't just stick a whole thing up online. Put some effort in.


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