
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Won't be able to make the stream tonight due to work, will you be doing any other streams before LPL?

Colin Frey
No. My next stream will be from my hotel room in Newark. At least that's the hope
Liked by: Colin Frey

Has there ever been a video you thought would do terribly, but ended up doing really well?

Not really. We usually know coming out of a video if the fans are going to love it or hate it. I think Uno: The Movie was the biggest surprise recently, just in terms of how well it did.

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Will you be doing more Things To Do In Overwatch with the fun little custom game modes like the Mosquito one? It looked really fun

Depends on what gets created. I play pretty much whatever is handed to me.

How often do you get questions on here you refuse to answer and if you do, what kind of questions are they?

Not super often, maybe 1 in every 5. I'll sometimes delete things I've answered 100 times, like what my favorite bands are. I'll instantly delete questions asking about other members of AH. I'm not them. Ask them, don't ask me. I'll also delete any questions that are insulting to anyone, whether it be myself or someone else. It happens.
Liked by: Joey Tapia

What are your throughts on the LP/AH Community Channel going on Hiatus

I actually don't know what you're talking about. Is that happening?

Does Kat sing/play any instruments?

Yes, she sings and she is very very good. She took a bunch of lessons growing up, but just doesn't do it as much anymore.

Do the editors at AH edit the Podcast Let's Plays, or are they done by someone else?

I'm actually not sure.

When you guys talk about videos getting low views do you take views down the rt site into account

Yes, but youtube is usually a good indicator of both. It doesn't represent all the views, but gives us a decent average. If it's performing badly on youtube, chances are it isn't doing well on the site either.

When will Go Nitro be out?

Whenever I finish the editing process. I want to give it about a week before I really start it, so I can see it all with fresh eyes. During Lets Play Live will be a bulk of it. I would assume the book with release sometime late this month or early May.
Liked by: Silver_Taken_Wolf

Does Kat really know anyone in AH or do you keep her as far away from that potential mess as you can

She's friends with Caiti and Trevor's girlfriend, so she knows Jack and Trevor pretty well. We've also hung out with Michael and Lindsay from time to time. Other than that, she's only met Ryan, Geoff, and Gavin a handful of times at most.

This isn't meant to be asked in a mean spirited way or anything, but why is it that Trevor took on the leadership role and not like Jack who's been there the most time? Trevor's great and all but just curious

He was working closely with Lindsay, and it also helps that he isn't part of the main talent. He can have an outside look on things, which is very useful. He also is really intelligent when it comes to business strategies and recognizing what's working in the industry and what isn't.

Would you ever play airsoft or paintball as a video? Physics don't just break in videogames and it's usually a good time with plenty of room for funny stuff. I ask because I noticed an airsoft gun in a couple videos.

Ryan has a pellet gun in the office, and its terrifying. We've talked about paintballing quite a bit, but just haven't set up a time to do it, yet.

Any games you're especially good at? E.g if you were to do Office Vs. You, you would most likely win

I got pretty good at Dead by Daylight for a while, but then stopped playing, so I'm probably not as good anymore. I'm very good at Prop Hunt, which is why I usually toy with people who are hiding, and hide as larger objects while I'm a prop. Speedrunners is another one I just get for some reason.

Have you got any games that you hate making videos in? (similar to Ray and his love/hate relationship of Minecraft)

I don't hate Minecraft, despite being kind of bored of it, because it still does very well, and it's not hard to make a game fun, despite being bored with it. What I absolutely hate making videos in is any game that I know will get shitty views and watchtime. It always feels like a massive waste of time.

Have you ever conflicted with any of your co-workers?

I've had disagreements, sure, but never something I would consider conflict. I usually remove myself from disagreements between other people and just keep to myself.

How much can you bench/squat/dead?

I don't have any of those numbers, because I don't do any of those things. I do squats without weight, and leg presses on 300 on a machine. I don't bench with a bar. I instead just use two 45 lb dumbbells, and do presses with those.

What do you do at work to pass time?

If we absolutely can't be recording something, I just pick up whatever game I'm currently working on and play for a bit.


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