
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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How patient is Geoff with new employees, in terms of fucking up an edit, editing slowly/missing a deadline, etc.?

Riles McGiles
Geoff is the most patient boss I've ever had. But I think that's partly because he's not the one you have to worry about if you fuck up or miss a deadline. If you mess up consistently, the other people in AH aren't going to put up with it. Geoff is the most likely person who will give you the benefit of the doubt. Everyone else will just assume you're really bad or don't care about your job and eventually dislike you. Do your job, try hard, work like you really mean it, learn from mistakes and don't repeat them, and everyone will like you.

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Was it hard joining achievement hunter full time and having to fit in with everyone else who was already established?

At first, yes. It was very nerve wracking to try to joke around with people I was such a huge fan of. Nowadays, I still don't talk a ton in videos, because I don't like to talk over other people, or interrupt jokes, but it's much easier to just go with the flow and joke around with everyone.

J-Little! Happy to see you're also a fan of Three Days Grace:) how is it now that the fan reception to you is extremely positive, instead of being more negative than a depressed kid who's dead? Very big fan:)

Fans like interaction. I realized the more I talked to them, the more I joked with them about the mean comments and such, the more people just started to like me. It's so much better now. When I read mean comments about myself in Presented With Comment, it's literally one negative comment I found in a sea of positive ones.

Jeremy has working at AH (since its a full time job) taken away the fun out of playing and recording games ?

Honestly, yes a little. I don't play games at home anymore, and I stopped doing a video every day on my personal channel, because it's a pain to leave work after recording and editing all day, just to record and edit more.

I'm really struggling when drilling pocket holes freehand but I don't know if I want to drop the money to buy a pocket jig. Should I try to make my own? I recently got a drill press so making one would definitely be easier but if I wanted easy I should probably drop the $20 to buy a jig. Any advice?

This question confuses me. I know nothing about pockets.... so my advice is... buy a jig

Hey Jeremy! Some friends and I are going to RTX this year for the first time. If we happen to see you on the floor are you cool with hugs? Asked beforehand of course. <3 ps. You're a Borderlands fan right? What did you think of Tales from the Borderlands? :)

Yes I am cool with hugs. Just try to remember to wear deodorant. And yes I'm a big Borderlands fan, but still haven't played the fifth episode of Tales from the Borderlands. So far, really like it, though.

Hey Jeremy, first off you are absolutely hilarious, second what would it take to work with rooster teeth? (Wow that got weird quick, I don't mean any awkward/weirdness)

You need to love what you do and be good at it. Every now and again they go looking for certain positions, but your best bet is to just start making the type of content you enjoy and keep advertising it yourself. If it's good, Rooster Teeth will eventually come looking for you.

Would you recommend working at Rooster Teeth/ Achievement Hunter if you enjoy making videos on YouTube for people to enjoy- Real Question, is there enough money in the business to consider it as a life time career (Sorry about asking about income, just very interested)

Is there enough income at Rooster Teeth? Yes. It's a full time job. Yeah, I made more before I moved here to work at RT, but it was never about money for me. I hated my old job, and now I love going to work.
As for Youtube, you need A LOT of subscribers and consistent views to make enough money to support yourself, and it gets harder and harder every day.

Have you thought about playing games like Undertale for Dooley Noted?

Anything's possibly. Trying to move away from story-based videos so that people aren't super upset when continuing episodes don't release.

The Gang Beats Let's Play was legendary and I could stop laughing. Loved the little things you did with the names like "Craig?" and having names reappear if they were hiding. What let's plays have been the most fun to entertaining to edit so far?

Robert Graham
This one was definitely the most fun, like... by far. Certain shots I watched over eight times, but soloing each person's audio, just to hear how everyone individually reacted. I had to edit that one twice because of a mishap, and really didn't care. I've still watched it another 3 or so times since then.

If you are open to requests: have you considered achievement guides, but only for the easiest achievements, while doing a bad Swedish accent, and calling yourself 'Achievement Gunther' ?

That was my original idea for a show on the community channel. Super complicated guides for super easy achievements. I was gonna call it "Achievements For Idiots." I scrapped it and went with Imaginary Achievements instead, but Achievements4Idiots became my old YouTube channel


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