
Jeremy Dooley

Ask @AH_Jeremy

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Hey Jeremy what other "work" do you do anywhere else in Rooster Teeth besides your work in Achievement Hunter? Like, do you star in RWBY, Red vs Blue, X-ray and Vav, Rooster Teeth animated adventures, etc?

The only other thing that takes my time is the RT Throwdown videos. Pretty much 98% of my time is in AH.

Since you are in Ray's position, do you feel burnt out, bored and annoyed that you're being forced to play the same games (Minecraft, GTA Online, GO!) over and over again by Geoff, especially being forced to play games you hate by Geoff's orders?

I'm often the one reminding the others that we really need to record Minecraft/GTA. I definitely haven't been burnt out on those. I'm still just playing games with people I like, so who cares what game it is?

Hey Jeremy, I'm glad you are very descriptive on your answers here and on your AH profile. On his ask fm, Ray usually answers his with only one word.

I think it's really important to be clear in your answers. Don't want anyone taking something the wrong way
Liked by: Ashen Morgan B Tukson

You said that you love your job at Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth too much to leave and go solo on Twitch like Ray. What are some of the things you love at AH/RT?

Working with other people. It's much easier to play off of other people than continuously talk for a lengthy period of time. Also things like events and just the fanbase in general are really really good.

How did you come up with the name Rimmy Tim?

Cody Book
Just sounded funny. Named my character that in Borderlands 2 just for the hell of it. But I pissed off my friends so much while playing that they would yell about how much they hated Rimmy Tim

Year of the Dragon was the first game that I've ever beaten, and I even beat it before my older did. Thank you so much for playing it on twitch and reminding me of all my memories that I had when playing it <3

No problem. I love it, too. We'll finish it up soon

Any idea when RT would be looking for new members in their community team? Now that I am a developed CM I have been throwing my name a various company's who's community I already love. RT/AH would be great for me.

[iNV] Viva la pwn
Not a clue, it's totally up to being in the right place at the right time.


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