

Ask @AdriannaPeterson

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"Down for whatever"?? does that mean what I think it means?

I mean like bungee jumping or golfing or cliff jumping ?

Did you go to Eric church last night?

MAAAAN I WISH :( my friend had tickets and was gonna bring me but I can barely walk so I couldn't

10 perks of dating you?

I'm a giant goofball
I'm a pretty good listener
i barely wear pants so yay??
I cook an 11/10 breakfast
you'll probably be the attractive one in the relationship !
I'm usually down for whatever
ya that's it sorry idk 10 haha

Who was the first person you loved?

he knows. that's all that matters but yenno thats over now so who it was doesn't really matter

How's the music downloading coming along??

I got all my country music hahah but I still have over 100 songs

interested in dating anyone atm?

it'd be nice but I haven't met anyone I wanna put that effort in with really :)

Plans Friday Saturday Sunday

Friday legit hanging w Tianna and sleepover
Saturday w Tianna for a bit and probably Rachel
Sunday probs do the 6 weeks of hw I'm behind on yolo
Liked by: francesca

fav people from best,cent & fox

best ; Taylor , hayley, ainsley
cent ; Ciara
fox ; Rachel , natalie , keana, jayde , Paige , mariah , surj. idk don't talk to many
Liked by: ainsley tay


Language: English