

Ask @AdriannaPeterson

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It sucks your probably not gonna be friends with those people now that Jenna is

I don't really care that jenna is friends with them ?


I LOVEEE HER. booty game is scale breaking like she's literally goals. she's so nice and such a fun person to be around , love her clothes n by far one of my favourite grade 11s

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lots has happened like loooots Ahah most people know it too. we've had ups n downs and we've never really been friends except for last year around her birthday , she's fun to turn up with and she's got sucha nice body. I'm glad we're on good terms !


I'm glad I talk with her more now. she's such a cute person and just really bubbly and easy to be around , I love her style a lot and she's a nice girl. we don't really hangout or talk in person a lot and i miss that


I've known him basically my whole life Ahah ever since we were little but I don't really talk to him a lot. he's a nice person and seems like a fun guy to be around

Shawn sieb

nothing bad to say about him , nothing positive to say either. I tried to fix things but he's a stubborn person and wouldn't hear me out so... I don't really care n yea not much to say about him.

Alex a

lots has happened hahaah we don't really talk a lot anymore. she's got a nice body and when you're friends with her she's a good friend n Ya hope life treats her well


she's really fun when she's sober and when's she's drunk, she's so cute and I love her style a lot. she has a cool fam and I love her dog

Ashley hokanson

she's so nice ! we didn't like eachother for a while but everything is cleared up now. she's helped me in some pretty rough times and I appreciate that a lot :)) she's so pretty and has a nice body


I don't really know her ! we had gym last year same block , she's really nice and pretty. don't know enough to say much about her


I love my boyfriend. she's so nice and such a goof and she's such a positive person. I consider us close even though we don't hangout a lot but we talk almost everyday and she's someone I share personal stuff with


hahah were more acquaintances than friends. we talk here and there and yea we had a thing for like 2 weeks in grade 9 and ever since we've never really been close Ahah he's cool dude and he's hot


Fantillo? idk I only know 1 Caleb so Ahah , we used to talk a lot and now not so much. he's a cool person , veryyy attractive. stuff happened a while back n I get the feeling he still dislikes me hahaha but Ya he's cool

Jenna Forster

lots has happened between us , some things I can't get over and some things im choosing not to get over. she has nice clothes and yeah not much to say about her


all I remember is getting really drunk with her on Canada day with was fun hahaa she's so nice and she's quiet and suchaaa stunner. I don't talk to her at all but she's a nice girl nd I loved to get to know her Better

Abe K

he's a nice kid. got into it w him the other hahah but everything is okay now. he's a cutie and got a good attitude and I like his view on things and on life, another one of my favourite grade 9s but he's terrrible at texting


she's so nice! she always talks to me and starts conversations with me it's quite uplifting. she's so cute and one of my favourite grade 9s

Erica H

I love her. we've been friends for a while now and we run into problems here and there but I wouldn't change my relationship with her at all. she's a giant goof and I love being around her nd I wish I we hungout like we used tooo


aw she's so nice and so cute. I loved sitting with her in math, she's got such a body and hair & nothing bad to say about her at all! also she has really nice clothes & a really nice butt


she's nice , she's fun to be around. a complete giant goof ball , I'm glad we're friends. she can get on my nerves sometimes but everyone does, oh and booty on that is fine

Sean m

I don't have a problem with her. I find her quite funny and she's also really nice whenever I talk to her. also got a rockin body, but some of the stuff she posts on social media could turn around and come back at her when she's older. cool chick


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