

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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how to low kan ego and marah over siblings ?

if me lah kan , i just stay quite & buat personal stuffs but if they are rlly disturbing me , i'd blow off , tapi tak terok , just mcm ' ee blah ahh ' , pastu depa diam la .

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weh , nk minyak nasihat sikit dari kau boleh tak ? pasal apa2 je lahh yg pntg brguna .

Judgemental .
sorry this is quite lame but sapa ja dlm dunia ni x judgemental . even me myself . tapi kena sedar , dlm kita dok judge tu , ada org jgk yg judge kita . ofc kita x suka kan . so kalau taknak dikutuk , kita diam ye. takpalah bior lah orang nak ckp pa , yg penting kita tak kutuk dia an an . haha chiow ??

There's this person that always on my mind. Do you have any tips on how to forget people ? Pls .

solat . mengadu kat Allah . or in an aggresive way , block dia in every social medias yg ada haha so cruel .

Desc fatin jae

Fati fati fati fati fati .
u've been a gr8 friend recently . Starting from I started sharing stories with u . U are one of the person who knews everything besides Ilya . I guess u both are even . Sejak bila tah hg panggil aku kodok , I was thinking nk pggil hg katak tapi fati la sesuai lagi en en haha . Budak pandai tapi suka tido . Kalau kt kelas lama , farah slalu tukar tmpt duduk dgn fd , ha hg lah yg duk tempat farah . tak jadi kerja . aku x leh focus pon sbb hg dok buat lawak bodo yg aku gelak mcm nk mati pya . dahla dgn ib kt belakang smua . doomed ! hg ni kecik & pendek tapi vv understanding . hg lawak tau ak klau hg gila kt crush hg . oh yea crush . haha , crush hg mmg handsome nak mati pon gila ah . haha tahniah sbb ada taste . apa gi ah byak lagi la fati . oh , hg ni comel . lulz jgn syok sendiri . haha . hmm .. ur fanfic psal jimin made me scream my lungs out . it was sweet . keep up ur good work & i almost forgot , ur one creative bij i know . thanks for the kips2 thingy for cp . haha . bye fati .. i love ya ?

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Liked by: fatinj nadia i.btrsya

Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk to animals?

any languange fluently so if i'm mad i can spit it out without anyone understanding .

Latest thought

Putrii. tbh i really wanted to have a conversation but u really are scary & idk what to talk about . U're pretty & that's one of the reason i like looking at you & damn u have one of the most gorgeous smile ever . I've been admiring ur ig feeds & mostly u & ur personality . ops is this too much ? have a gr8 holiday okay?

ala belagak ja lebih ..tau mukhlis henseem pon haha

aik tiba2 pasepo lo gilo toi . aku tak kata apa pun , hg yg kata haa gilo .

Sebenarnya saya care. Saya pon ada kawan lelaki yang saya rapat. Tapi kita sebagai muslim kene jaga pandangan orang terhadap kita. Assalam. Ciooo ✌?️

thanks for ur care . i appreaciate it very much . wsalam , gdnight .


Aliaa . sorry la tertangguh soalan ni baru perasan .
Dulu my cubemate , selalu gaduh , i mean hari2 , aku dah naik fedup .
tapi tahun ni terpisah & tahun ni dh makin baik
Lawa? mmg lawa haha
sapa punya tatauu :P
manyak scandal
thankyou bagi biskut hritu , sorry perabih hehe
pandai skrg , hritu math dia dgn nana ja dpt A
masih x tinggi haha
ex exco sukan
sunburn nampak haha
mm , happy holiday i guess? bye
Liked by: iffah.


Language: English