

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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aik berapa kali dah desc ni
haih hang ni specs pi mano ? awat sekarang sombong ?
takpa2 dah berpunyo en . baik baik . a trustful person i can say . used to know things about me , but hey thanks for keeping it a secret . rugby dah skrg . tinggi & stylish aceh jgn kembang . ecah . dh ada rupo tahniah . & keep being the nice person u are . forget those people who hates u for no reason . happy holiday ay?
Liked by: HaikalSaadon

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Mishaaaaaaa. Shamisaaaaaa.
how to start ? hmm . a vvv good person since last year tapi tahun ni not my partner katil sebelah anymore . sob sob . but , rajin masuk my dorm ! & cari aifa sob sob again . haha . still pretty but getting prettier & prettier . still skinny haih . but always fabulous . btw , you are such a cool person act . u dont talk bad stuffs abt people & that's good ?? . u kalau mengantuk dlm kelas , org pertama i recognise hahaha. lawak gila . tapi i understand sgt . yea yea , u do have a good taste in fashion . haha . debate is like ur life kan . a photographer & afrina's . haha . still pandai & getting pandai . u dont get mad but once , it's kinda scary. selalu tunggu belakang my toilet . still tinggi & idk sama dengan afrina tak . selalu kena kacau dengan danial abt someone haha its kinda funny . well this is all i guess ? have a gr8 holiday misho ☄

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Liked by: nadia

thought on matyo

lo gilo matyo lagi hang suka dia ka apa ha ?
a good person i guess?
hani punya na hg jangan galok sgt
kbyebye whoever u are .

latest thought hehe

lawa gila
orang kulim kan sebab kawan acabek haha .
vv stylish
nice ig feeds
orang kayo
sapa kata x pandai selfie?
cantik la ayoyo
x pernah ckp sbb malu & insecure
happy hols :)

Latest thought

comel gila nak mampos tbh
ur eyelashes so tebal & cantik kot
i knew who u like ( wanna know how ? ask me )
pendek haha
pandai gila , i selalu nampak ur pointer atas2
the pyjamas girl
friendly i guess
ur smile is pretty & cute
have a gr8 break . :)

Thought on me.

hi style style
satu group gak haritu
baik act
tapi skrg x berapa ckp dah dgn hg
btw ur a good listener & a good secret keeper .
hey i'm not someone's .
goodluck in life ay ?
have a gr8 holiday ,
Liked by: HaikalSaadon

Latest thought on me ?

allyanatasya’s Profile Photoell
dress up
cantik eventhough it looks simple but it's cool .
Trying to change kan .
btw bersabarlah dengan pendengki yg dengki akan anda
just be yourself .
everyone is beautiful .
May u change totally 100%
Vvv sakai haha from what i can see
ur dahi so luass nak conteng sgttttt.
nice ig feeds & i like it !
btw happy holiday? haha
Liked by: ell

Latest though terhadap beta?

IB .
we've met a few years ago sebelum masuk maktab .
but tbh , i forgot about it .
& sehari sebelum masuk maktab , we were playing guess the emoji with thaqif on facebook & thaqif suruh aku add hg sebab hg nk masuk mrsm balikg & aku mcm wth , nantilah .
& HAHA LUCKS ON US , satu dorm for the first year in mrsm baling & classmates for sure .
haih , we'll go fast forward ey.
thanks for everything .
i still dont know how to pay you back .
u've sacrificed a lot & yet i tend to hurt you . I know ?
I'm such a bitch .
I'm sorry .
I shouldn't have hurt u .'
& now , knowing that u're gonna move .
saddens me.
I will no longer have a friend that can solve my stupid problems such as phone tak menyala la haha & stuffs .
but tbh , aku syg hg .
u just dont see it & maybe u dont know .
i'm still trying my best for you .
& i'm sorry if i left a deep scar in your precious heart .
i hate myself sometimes for what i've done .
but thankyou again , for everything since 3/2/2014 .
dont move :( .
Allah is giving u a test & be strong to deal with it .
& lastly , much luck in your life & be happy , u deserve it :)
Syasya ✨

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Liked by: i.btrsya ell

Nak gokk, thoughts on me

Afrinaaaaaaa . I kenod lah dengan u nanti panjanggg . tapi takpa , we'll go on with this question .
Where to start ey? Firstly , you are v pretty that's for sure . Vv huggable ( is that spelling correct ? ) . One of the smart-asss in 2 Ayyasy . Ur eyelashes are one of the most beautiful thing ever . Dahi very luass & it's funny everytime we play boja ur tudung goes asdfghjkl . But it's kinda cute & i laughed for sure . Vvv tall , i think taller than Misha . & also Misha's forever soulmate till Jannah . one of the best photographer Mjsc Baling had . Has a passion in debate . Ur are v pretty again bcs u have mix kan ? Mix Pakistan . who told me tah . Dulu we were v rapat but things change . idk why . but you're still you & keep on being the Afrina everyone loves .
have a gr8 2 months holiday .
much love
Syasya .

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latest thought

Alipp .
a vvv pro tennis player
friendly & nice
easy to talk with
salah sorang yg aku rajin senyum kt maktab
kayo kayo
selalu xdak kt maktab
pandai nak mati
ur smile v gorgeous .
yet , i still dont have a picture with u have a gr8 holiday okay ?
Liked by: anne

thoughts on me

kelas sebelah sekarang
suka lalu sebelah kelas
selalu kena kacau
baik i guess?
tak pernah ckp tapi nampak friendly la .
happy holiday ..

latest thought hehehe

Aisyahhhh .
u pon lagi sorang cantik
vvv photogenic
putih sgt
vv stylish & girlish
baik & suka senyum
satu group masa HFWC. haha
friendly & easy to go along with
nice ig feeds
i adore u srsly
tudung x jadi pon cantik kdg2 huehue
btw have a gr8 holiday ey ?

latest thought on nurina

hi nuwina
kau cantik sgtlah i kenod
baik & friendly sebenarnya
cuma x pernah cakap sgt
your skechers cantik ah
rapat dengan alisya skrg
skinny & fabulous
haha lek ah .
vv easy going
ur voice mcm angel ?
may happiness always be with you . have a gr8 2 months holiday ?
Liked by: nurinaizzati_

Thoughts on balqihh?

kalau marah dunia pon bergoncang
aku igt masa outing hritu , aku x larat nak gelak .
haritu calon ldp .. hebat ah
mak datin
mcm ank manja je haha
kau memang lahir ada mata ka tadok?
kasihan . sadisnya.
suka bermakeup kalau ada event
minah gincu
vvv baik sbnarnya
kalau sunburn hingaq satu bilik sampai aku kena pakai earphone hahah
u have a softside cuma jgn cri gaduh la kalau nk dengaq hg mengamuk pagi petang siang malam smpai pekak aku yg dok bilik sebelah ahhah
have a gr8 holiday okay cino ?
Liked by: Piqs adrnablqsh marsya

thoughts on me

nokgok hani .
Matyo , Aiman Farhan .
huhu .
padu .
pandai & cool
ldp en skrg , jalankan tanggungjawab dengan penuh amanah ye
tinggi & ur shoes style2
ur smile cantik sbnarnya sbb gigi cantik haha .
gelak kuat sgt smpai kelas sebelah dengar :P
have a gr8 holiday btw ?
Liked by: Piqs adrnablqsh

thoughts on me

Akmarrr trololo .
why people call you kentang?
why are you so talkative?
why are you so friendly?
haha .
a vvv happy person
jendoi ush
always asks about me kat ilya
well u know what u can ask me anytime act .
bila i lastic u can , ha u know what u will say afterwards hhahah .
your laugh is kinda funny
such a gr8 friend
u find out things about me so quick aish haha .
btw goodluck in life i guess ?
( sorry cs it's short i'm vvv hungry )

weh kau lawa ah

hgahagaha . dah tengok profile belom sebelum hantar question? takut silap ja. btw , thankyou la ye

type of boyhairstyle that you like at college (own batch)

idc asalkan he looks so goddamn fine ? .tapi attractivenya kalau dia jog rambut dia bouncing ( x tuju kat sapa ok ) <- my point of view .
Liked by: iffah.


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