

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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Latest thought

hi ¿ . tall & pretty . so photogenic & cool . i get insecured around u sometimes . i love ur stuffs . ur ig feeds are nice . very up-to-date abt stuffs . i have to admit i'm so nervous around u . looks good & sassy in makeup . once again , i'm insecured . happy hols btw :)
Liked by: nuha Iman Razaini dania

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matyoo . um , first thing that crosses my mind . Hani Sofea ? . but always Hafidz's partner ? . Pasir Gudang right ? . Pandai dh skrg ?? . Baik la dalam social medias tapi kat luar entah . ? . haritu suruh ib bangun tidur sumpah rasa nak sepak . jangan jerit tepi telinga org ok . huhu . orang kayo . yr stuffs ' style style ' . oh goodluck in life . bye
Liked by: i.btrsya أيمان

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hey Akmar . from my view , ure kind & talkative . a cheerful person to be friends with . very generous & friendly . umm , always datang my dorm tumpang charging , well plug rosak . suka story & loves to hear stories . close w kak iman .
suka lepak sampai middle of the night . u're different from ure homerommates bcs they're quite ure not . ok that's it !

Related users

Nak latest thought jugakkk ???

ANNE . so pretty & so active . so strong in life . i like u for being urself . active tennis player . short hehe . very kind & generous . close w nabeela & neera . umm , so smart eventhough u rarely been in school . goodluck in life anne :)
Liked by: anne nurinaizzati_

Nokgok..latest thought

balqih lah baqish lah apalah . huahua . baik & sepet jugak . aish payah ah smua sepet . hehe , crush stylo haha . thanks for keeping my secret too u bij . baik & suka dengar lagu . bermalasan dia atas katil merupakan satu hobi bagi anda . hahaha . putih tapi bising kalah burn . ? . rajin buat facial kt muka dia lol . hehe , hope we'll stay as dormmates till forever

latest thoughts

Yokkk . hehe , vvvvv nice & richh . u're kind hearted anyways . I dont like u last year bcs they said ure such a show off . well luckily , we're meant to be in the same dorm this year . as far as i know u , ure loud & so sepet hehe . umm , thanks for keeping my secret btw . so pandai , xyah study pon top 3.5 ??
Liked by: Nayliwani

Desc lagi heheh

allyanatasya’s Profile Photoell
oh hi ell . u're actually nice & loud . i dont know u much seems we dont talk . but u smiled back when i smiled at u . umm , hope things are going gr8 with you . stay strong okay . Allah will give hidayah to everyone :)
Liked by: ell

If you could switch places with someone for a day, who would it be?

i want to switch places w someone who is performing their umrah at Mekkah rn .

Desc titeww for berapa bnyak kali tah ? (maaf boring)

hi irdeena batrisya . well maybe this is gonna be long .
firstly , we skip the part about last year . frienddlyyy & scarryyy , butttt kinddd asfffff . ok , u've been my friends for 2 years . thanks for everyyythinnnggggg fromm topp to toeeee . i can never afford to repay ur kindness . richhh nk mamposs nk sepak rasa . buyyy me ipod baru pleaseee since mine hilangg ??. sedih tol . always there for my problemssssss . suka study kat kelas pastu HA MACAM MACAM LAH JADI . ? . stay strongg buddy , suatu hari nanti sejuk lah hati dia yee . takleh nak cakap belongs to jiyongie sgt sebab ilya pon kih kih . ada varities of kasuttt , i want ur converse especially . so fancy & cool . ? . pandai tapi pemalaih . hahah ,, sowwy . pandai bergayaa phew . ada rumah kt the lightt . mm kaya leh lah ¿ . sukaaa gilaaa pi shoppingggggggggg . SHOPAHOLIC . balik pb asyik2 appointment doktor . orang lain menangis ja takleh balik . ?. dulu duit banyak noh , skrg cepat pokai . kdg2 tak cakap 2 hari dgn hg sbb nampak hg mcm nk makan aku ja . sorry ?? . &&& sorry kalau hg pernah syak apa2 kt aku . ??? . pernah once pergi concert Alive Bigbang 2012 . nak sepak ja rasa tapi takpalah time tu aku x minat lagi . famouss & well-known . OMGG I MISS UR CATTTT . BUBU ? . emm tengoklah balik nanti mesti ada barang baruu . but serious ah weh aku nak ipodd pleaseee aku x mampu nak beli baruuu . alang2 hg beli lain , beli satu kt miss syasya who lost her ipod . ? . dengaqq lagi kuat gila aku kat depan pon boleh ikut rentak . nak panggil hang bila pakai earphone kena KETUK meja , POM ! ? . baru lah ' ? apadia ? ' . hahahah . awok pegi mana cuti ni .. . i know behind u lies a thousand of problems that not everyone knows .
btw again , stay strong buddy . Allah knows the best for you ?? . thanku for being there for me sometimess . ?. love uu irdeena batrisya .

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Desc Haikal s

again , 2E , hr Maryam . skinny like a skeleton ? . Baik dulu tapi sekarang sombong dah . dgn aisyah sekarang wee wee . thanks for keeping my secret . i know i can trust u . ? . i kept urs too , safe w me . pro gilo main bola haritu weewuu . banyak ja lgi nk tulis tapi en , dh banyak desc so rajin2 la cari balik ? . tukar ngan akif masuk group aku for have fun w cp , sbb aisyah pon ada wkwkwk . ?? . btw i have something to ask u tapi xpalah . byee

Desc Aisyah azhar

macam kenal je sapa suruh ni ?
ok hey Aisyah . 2E , hr Asyraf woho . cantik gila . 2 tahun dianugerahi Queen of the night . untung ler lawa ? . tinggi : average . sunburn tapi putih so x gaduh lah ¿ . i remember tahun lepas u pranked me in the middle of the night bcs u want to be friends w me . u are nice actually . i have a picture w u , tapi polaroid lah . owner iphone 6 . photogenic & so effing gorgeous . ur ig feeds are amazing . we've met at sunway carnival last year , u called me ? . umm , we dont talk much now but i hope one day . btw , ur in my group for have fun w cp . ? bye?


Language: English