

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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Mind desc m8✨?

M8 !!!!!
Ayoyo you mau panjang ka pendek ka medium ka apa ka? Panjang satu ? yalah . Untuk kamu , apa saja.
Ib ....
ah so many words..
A very great friend
You're still a great person after all we've been through . I'm sorry for the incident earlier this year . Ok let's forget the bad & remember the good . A smartass who is LAZY . cara study style & simple . Kayaaaa . Tak leh kata lahhh , petik jari 10 dapat hehehe . Kasik lanjer laaa , kiter kan mate. Sukakan dunia makeup . Gilakan liquid lipsticks . Takpaaaa lepas SPM kita borong sumanya hehehe .
Ib , hang banyak berubah dah noh . Alhamdulillah , berkat doaku hehehe . Ops , kantoi hehe . Selalu teman aku hehe , tima kaseh yaa . Selalu tolong aku pasai hw & stuffs . Tima kaseh sekali lagi yaaa , haaa tima kaseh banyak2 !!! May Allah Bless You IB . & lastly maafkan aku dari kita kenal sampai sekarang .
Oh lupaaaa , hehehe mat qhayo Daymn Son.

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Liked by: fatinj i.btrsya

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hello .
so i know you masa pendaftaran sbb our mothers were friends . i never talked to you but you seem nice . you're very smart too hehe . you're tall & have smartass brothers . hehe gluck pt3 ! All the best

My brain is divided into two parts: Right & Left.ln right nothing is left.ln left nothing is right.


Aku suka sgt org tu.. Dia pun pernah suka aku tapi skrng ni dia busy n tak layan aku.. Srsly what should i do bcs i dun wanna loose him

okay camni lah . let go for awhile . InsyaAllah ada jodoh , tak pi mana pun .
U'll meet him again . :) .

weh . aku enn suka sngt org tu . tp dia tak suka pun aku . menyampah lagi ada ahh . so macam mana eh aku nk lupakan dia ? aku rasa mcam sia2 je . tolong boleh ?

waaa . i've been in the same situation as you m8 ! . tbh , it hurts right . kena benci lagi lah saket kan ? well yeap . it hurts so much but you boleh buat apa? melutut mintak maaf ? hmm i suggest you delete all about him , pictures , everything & start to forget him . find his flaws & start to hate . kalau susah sangat , doa ja kt Allah . Soemone out there is better waiting for you :)

Desc :D

sorry for the late reply cs i was thinking what to describe u since idk u well , but nvm let's give it a try.
you're pretty . smart . u look nice . from 3Galileo . I rarely smile bcs I'm shy .
Hope I can do that in the future . U have a nice height haha . That's all i guess . Hope to know u better .
Enjoy this few days left of Ramadhan ✨

Desc la awak

fatinnn .
my new mate .
start rapat tahun ni tatau sebab apa & bila . btw u r such a nice fella I've never been so greatful to have u in my life . You are a very great friend . Bising gila & kalau diam , diam gilaaa . There's no in between . Pandai tp hahaha suka tidoq . Samo ah . Dalam kelas kalau aku nak tidoq aku akan tengok hang , haha kalau hg tidoq aku akan tidoq jugak . nampak ka kecik rupanya dh sama tinggi dgn aku :( . I really am short ☹️ . Creative . A good listener . A good secret keeper & thanks for helping me a lottttt . Oh yaaa , tarikh bday samooo but sadly not the same month . Lasty , I love ya m8 ! Thankyou For EverySingle Thing . May Allah Bless You . Have a gr8 holiday haha


Language: English