

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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desc back :)

oh hey , btw thanks for the describe
Akak , u are really2 pretty , I admit . Akak kelas 3A kan . Ok , u are smart & fabulous . Tall & vvvvv pale . My first impression towards u ' sombongnya muka ' , but I've made a deal with u right , yg I will try to smile at u if I meet u , i guess i finally did .Btw , i was wrong , deep inside u are nice hehe . Akak boja kan pegh tinggi boleh lah . Haha , yeah betul lah we're not close & we didnt have any conversations yet , hope so one day & hope to know u more . Goodluck pt3 ?
Liked by: Putut

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Desc meeeee

eh nak gak hahah
?Alya Nassya
? Hr Azidah
? 2A
? Athlete
? Stamina tinggi
? Lawa
? Rumah Merah yayay.
? Pandai
? Suka buat lawak bodoh ?
? Orang kayo
? Gigi lawo haha
? Rpt dengan Sofea
? Rpt dgn Alia gk
? Easy going
? Rpt dgn rmai senior
? Vp batch lalalala
? Sakai gak kdg2
? Suka kcau org
Oit nak souvey p Aussie :) Btw have a great holiday & enjoy . byeeeeeeeeee .
Liked by: i.btrsya Nassya


Shifaa Anis
eh shifaa
?Shifaa Anis
? Hr Hashim
? 2A
? Pandai
? BWP wewewe
? Putih gilo
? Relatives Farah
? Orang Kulim
? Orang kayo
? Baik
? Friendly
? tak banyak cakap
? Innocent
? Cakap pun pelan ja suara dia
? Cantik
? Ayu
? V.strong
ha tu ja kot , hope to know u moree & have a great holiday
Liked by: Shifaa Anis

Choose one of your hr mate.desc bout him/her as long as u can

i choose them all cs it's not fair & btw they are incredibly awesome & demented & sometimes they made me laugh so hard , i forgot the world for awhile .

what's your opinion when thin girls think they are getting fatter but theres not much of a difference and they keep complaining?

they probably have anorexia & they have life problems , & make me wanna hit them with a truck .

Describe me :p

budak lawa budak lawa budak lawa
?Nur Hanie Shameera
?Hr Syafa
? Putih gilo
? Baik gilo
? Friendly
? Kita cakap gak tp x berapa & u are ok :))
? Orang Penang
? Fashionista
? I have a polaroid with u ??
? Cantik gila baju srikandi ang haha
? Tinggi la skit drpada aku (( skit ja ))
? Celak kalau boleh tajam hah
Btw hope to know u more & more . Gdluck in life & Happy holiday diva queen.
Liked by: hanieshameera

Nyatakan 3 orang L dan 3 orang P dr batch 01 yg kau nak die jd bwp thn dpn.jujur dr hati

sapa-2 ja idc . but must be v. responsible & tak hypocrite .
Liked by: dania Aliya At

Today is World Environment Day! How do you plan to make a positive impact on our Earth?

i dont have any plans tho bye .


Language: English