

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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ahaha mnt seungri..panda

aw seungri comel . malam ni jangan lupa mv we like to party kluaqq koi 11 .

desc persahabatan haikal n anne panjang2

okla aku x lah tahu sangat tapi
diorang sangat lah comel . I rlly love friendship macamtu . Diorang jaga la batas ok . Seorang memahami , seorang lg tak emotional . Mcm perf gila . Aku tak expect lah friendship mcm tu , tp oh gosh comel nya . Aku pon teringin jugak guy best friend srs . Tapi lol laki susahlah weh nk cari . Btw , oklah dorang tak rahsiakan hubungan ni dari parents . Kalau parents pon ok , apatah lagi kita . So yea , may ur friendship last till forever ok . ;)

desc ^^

?Hr Nurhafizah
? Tinggi
? Nice feeds on ig
? Pandai
? Rpt dgn AnisQ
? Block C Bawah
? I knew u masa Fawwaz kata ure from Ibrahim too haha
? Baik
? Friendly
? Easy to get along
Ok happy holiday :)
Liked by: Ansqstnayy Aisar nuha

Desc hehe

Hi Sofea
?Sofea Hazeera
? Hr Azidah & 2 Auzai
? Tinggi
? Netball
? Lawa
? Putih gilo
? Flawless bij
? Incredible
? Kayo
? Nice pics on ig
? Hotstuff
? Rapat dengan semua orang
? Easy to get along with
? Suka mintak makanan kat orang
? Baik
? Ketinggian kau perf .
? Orang Selangorr
bye have a nice holiday ?
Liked by: Ami


okey hey
? Umairah Shamsul Azran
? Hr Maryam ,, Kelas Junayd
? Flawless gila
? Tinggi
?Tudung labuh
? Cantik gila
? Pandai
? Your skin is my #skingoals
? Teringin lah nak senyum kat kau tapi muka kau scary hehe
? Ada abang 3C kan
? Tips nak kulit cantik flawless pls
? rapat dengan ika & nurina
? kawan Hani Sofea since primary
? Hey maybe we could take a photo one day
? Ayu giler
? Sopan aie
? Aku suka lah tengok kau srsly
? We should make a convo one day
lastly , goodluck in life & have a great holiday ^_^


hi kecik
?Hr Afindiy
? Pendek
? Bangun lambat ?
? Qtpie
? Suara matured
? Selangor
?Ada adik triplets ??????
?Pakai spectacles ?
?Pangkah kuat gila
?Selalu stay up free night sembang benda pelik-2
? Ada admire haha
? Kdg-2 suka nangis
? Baik
? Friendly
? Pandai jaga rahsia org ?
Tu ja la pendek , aku mengantuk gila nih , goodnight .
Liked by: anischups

Desc ?

You are small & cute . I can't even see your eyes when you smile . You are skinny & u have pretty legs . You have a unique voice & I rlly love ur voice tbh . Ure kind um , stylish & i love ur ig photos . Had a huge addiction towards Doctor Who . Fabulous bij . U have a pretty smile & yeah that's it . Hope to know u more & happy holiday .
Liked by: afifa


Language: English