

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

born in America but still the same date .

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akak desc f1

hmm f1 okay la setakat ni . ada yg baik suka senyum , ada yg suka pandang slack tapi tak kesah ah . kenal a few sbb junior sekolah rendah & a few yg peramah jugak . tak buat case lagi xpa . ada a few yg prmpuan dgar cerita yg , hmm xpalah . btw goodluck tempuhi alam asrama .
Liked by: adrnablqsh

Desc 2 khubaib and sape kau rapat??

2 Khubaib is a wonderful class .
Girls dia lawa-2 based on my observation lah . Budak laki dia sangatlah kurang sampai tambah 2 orang tahun ni . Dorang okay ja , x buat masalah dengan aku takpa . Ramai gila yang oh-so-fabulous . Aku tak rapat sangatlah dengan sesapa tapi Ilham okay . Geng Hr Amira , they're way too cool . Hr Anis nampak pendiam skit so tak tahu . But , they are ok & depa lawa-2 .
Liked by: Thaqif Hadif

desc 2 jauzi

Korang baik . Lagi Hr Afindiy . Aku rapat dengan korang lah dah korang dormmates aku . Tapi homeroom Nad mcm Anne , Nabeela , Aida , korang okay jugak . Yg lain-2 taktau lah . Korang meningkat banyak eh tahun ni , congrats dapat ranking number 1 , keep up the good work . Korang rajin , cikgu korang bagus-2 lagi-2 Sejarah en en hehe . One of the classes yg kuat pangkah . Kita sekepala jugak lel . Haha tu ja kot . bye

Describe 2 Ayyasy

One amazing class filled with demented , cool pupils . I lived with them nearly 2 years already & it was fun ( minus all the quarrels & misunderstandings ) . We look united sometimes & sometimes not . But srsly u guys , we look way more better than last year right ? In Sya Allah with all our effort we can get good rankings every exam okay . Alah , kena pulon lebih ja semua orang . Kita okay . Aku sayang korang tau tau tau .
Liked by: i.btrsya


Sayoq nak gakkk
Okay Nayli . Tahun lepas aku bukan suka hg ngat hahaha entah . Tapi bila tahun ni dapat satu dorm , ha baru aku tau hg actually baik rupanya haha lel . Orang kayo giloo , haih bila nk p EuroTour nii . Baik ahh , pemurah gak . Sepet aku yg keeeee 3 kot lol . Good in Archery . Hg dok Kelantan kannn .. haih aku nak souviner do . Tinggi . Suka jaga kulit dia . Pandai gila nak mati weh x yah study pon top 5 haih . Bekas pelajar MRSM LANGKAWI . hahah tunglah oklah tu ja byebye goodnightt jgn lupa souviner tau p europe

Hai awak . Sy terdetik nk stalk wall awak . And sy jumpa nma sy lah . Siapakah yg menanya ?

hi farah . eh haha entahla , anonymous question :)


hai pretty
tbh , you are one pretty-fabulous-diva queen I've met . You are really photogenic & I always wanted to be you . Idc if you uploaded 10 photos a day bcs u are pretty . You are from penang right . I used to smile at you but now i dont . Sorry , I hope I can get used to that after this . I adored your prettyness . You are very rich . You own an iphone 6 , wow still fourteen . You go shopping everytime you come back . Your pair of vans are pretty tho . i really love your dress during sri kandi , patutlah menang . I have a polaroid with you & SaraAin . I think that's all , hope to know you more . happy hols diva

describe Farah Alisa

okay . here it goes , Hi Farah . I'm taking this opportunity to describe you as longgggggggggg as I can . You are very very very beautiful . You have a very great attitude & that is your inner beauty . You are short haha . Everyone knows about your oh-so-fair skin . Yes you are really fair sometimes I can't see you in pictures with flash . hehe . You really really improved well this year . I like that . This is hard to say but , I made you my IDOL . You inspired me the most among everyone else . I will take every of your advice even it looks simple . You remind me of good things & your advices changed me too much . I just want to say thankyou because what I am now is a part from what you've done . You have a very soft heart & In Sya Allah i will take care of it . The last time we fight was earlier this year but yeah forget it . I don't seem to be with you 24/7 like we used too . I'm sorry . Sometimes we both have personal things to do . You help me a lot in studies & thankyou so much . You are one smartass that is still in a progress to be at the top . Goodluck then . You don't talk bad about people compared to the old you . I really want to be like you when Semester 2 starts . A muslimah like you is loved by Allah . I always looked up on you . I adored you so much . Thankyou for dragging me into goodness . Help me bcs I'm still in a progress improving & motivating myself. I knew your effort to try to help me everytime I came crying at you . Well you know , I could never thankyou enough for all of this. I'm so sorry if I expect wrong from you before . I hope you can forgive me from top to toe for all my wrongs . Deep from my heart , thankyou for entering my life & giving support at me during my baddest time , I love you :)

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Desc ilham 2015 :)

Hi Ilham
Well u seem great this year . I dont get to talk to you much but sometimes I greet u . You are amazing bcs I knew you can play the guitar . We have many similarities right . Actually , I adored you since last year . You inspired me so much by entering the decathlon & stuffs . You should be glad you didn't forget your American accent bcs I did & now I can't use it to take an opportunity to enter any competitions . haih . Well , that's all Ilham , keep getting better . Have a nice holiday ~ :)

Desc again

eh hi
okay Hani Sofea .tbh u are very pretty , i like it when you post pictures on instagram . Good in dancing & your performance during ladies night was fantastic ( i recorded it ) . You are loud & demented . full of sakainess but still cute tho . U have an average height bcs ure not too tall or too short . Well that's all perhaps , hope to get to know u more , have a good holiday ;)
Liked by: i.btrsya Hani


Hi another gorgeous person .
Anis Zetty Adrina . I never knew your last name until ? idk . But ' Adrina ' seems so sweet . Tbh YOU , are very loud & sarcastic & cool . You are rlly a good debater from what I've seen . U came up with lots of ideas that I can't ever think of . Ure are pretty & tall . U photoboomed a lot in my photos during sri kandi , lel idc actually . You have that very demented attitude sometimes I just want to burst out laughing . i always saw u walking with Amir . You & your squad are one big family tho . There's something in you that I found out interesting . Umm , your english is a blessed too y'know . U just look like Hani Sofea version tinggi haha . Well that's all perhaps . Have a good holiday :)
Liked by: Anis


Language: English