

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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describe perangai nana . hehehehe

Lol Nana haha
Amira Areena ur actually friendly from the beginning but i dont rlly like u dulu lah . & U rlly suka tgok org mcm nk makan , srs takut gila nk pandang . & ada satu hari , i dont know why ,, i rlly wanna find out the real you , so I started to talk to you , I started to follow u everywhere u go :P & actually ure rlly friendly & rlly demented I can't handle that part u know . Ure so brilliant , ure not that so diligent but not that so lazy . Ure in between :P & one thing I like abt u is ure not choosy =D & ure very humble eventhough u used branded things ^_^ .. haha tu je kot nana haha

What does it mean by ask anonymously??

ask anonymously tu , contoh kau la , kau tanya aku tapi aku xtau pon kau sapa , so to anonymously la , kalau dont ask anonymously tu kau tanya aku tp ada nama kau tepi tu so bermakna aku tau la kau sapa ha centu :))
Liked by: i.btrsya

balik maktab nanti , palang bukak arkk agak2 ?

lol tanya pakcik guard :L gila x bukak mampos nk angkat brang dri pusat pelajar :L haha
Liked by: i.btrsya

lol sori sori ye syasya

haha sokay , i pening sgt , nmpk mcm members fudhail haha well sorrylah I was shocked tadi :L i dont know much

um fyi dia kelas auzai so what makes you think dia kelas fudhail tell me whyyyy

oh yaka , uish xpayahlah serang mcmtu kot , bukannya masuk jail pon kalau salah aduh

Kenal tak ? Haha, desc

∞ nurdini ∞
omg hi kak dini , haha kenal la , geng kak ester , akak 3B kan , tak tahu la homeroom mana , maybe ckgu ghafur atau ustazah nurzila kot .. akak comel & kecik je .. u seem friendly lah , i love it when u smile cs it's adorable haha tu je kot akak , goodluck PT3 , study awal2 eaa ~
Liked by: ∞ nurdini ∞

describe hahahah

Hello Hanis :P
Hanis Nabilla bt Azman . My senior since primary school . U fangirl a lot more than u supposed to . U lovedd boybands too much i know that :L Ur a smartass , ur so hipster , ur fun to talk to , ur friendly , ur tall & pretty , ur awesome as a senior . Ur so rich & u got almost everything u want . I know that u rlly wanna go to 1D's concert in Singapore with Kak Umi right =D um , sorry I forgot to insert ur class & homeroom , I actually know but it's not that important . Okayh , lastly goodluck for ur PT3 , May u get straight A's , study hard dude ^_^


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