

Ask @AfiqahAfiey

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What is it you most dislike?

people copying my creativity , most important they copy my doodle . aku tak kan maafkan diorang smpai mampos

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

someone ...

Related users

Desc aifa

Aifa Insyirah
Bdk Jauzi
Homeroom Afindiy
Baik gila
Omg Comel gila nak mampus
The colour of your eyes are damn gorgeous
Talks a lot
Always with Alia
Loves Kak Datd [[ Her sissy ]]
Gelabah tak tentu pasal
Kalau cakap takdak fullstop . haha tahun depan belajar letak fullstop eyy
Tinggi la ok
Cantik sebenarnya
Jangan la jadi kurus , ur very cute wif ur size and everything
Anak tauke restaurant bhai
Adik-2 dia smua comel
Her parents pon mama dia lawa and ayah dia handsome
Jarang la tgok dia sedih or maybe x pernah
dulu masa dia mula2 nak hafal nama aku hahaha pegi mana-2 ja kan
" Hai Afiqah Syasyaaa!" hahaha Astaghfirullahalazim ;) .
Tiap-2 malam rasanya dtg dorm aku eventhough dok block D , haih rajin sunggoh hahah
Thanks sbb bg tumpang dorm kau , aku study dgn Sara , Nana , Afrina . hahah
that's all Aifa
I miss ur cuteness
Dont stop being a qtpie byeee !!

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Liked by: aifa Insyirah


Umm well
Farid Aiman
3 Jauzi I guess
Got a chinese look
[[ People said ]] you have a soft voice
Good looking
Gentleman ?
Maybe sweet based on Sofy
that's all I got , hope the best results for PT3

there's no 'nur' infront of my name, syg. emm. haha. how can you know adnin meh?

haha yaka hahaha confident gila haha , sorryy :) . Adnin ? sbb mak ktorang rapat so I know her dri situ lah :)

desc umairah shamsul azran :)

hai Umairah ;)
Nur Umairah bt Shamsul Azran kan
haha slalu tgok yr full name dkat board pointer :D
Tinggi , putih , skin dia cantik , dia pon lawa , tudung labuh .
Hr Maryam bdk Junayd
satu dorm dgn Ika , Nurina , Najihah and others
Slalu nmpk jalan dgn Adnin
Sorry dulu x tegur , sbb takut sgt sbb Umairah nmpk garang
I know ur a kind person actually .
Nnti thun depan snyum2 ok ?
Selfie dia cantik and sorry unfollow kt Instagram , nnti Syasya follow balek haha bye Mairah ;)
Liked by: Dienta Alias

desc pls hehe

hahaha alamak Sofy byak kli seyh hahaha tkpa-2.
•Nur Sofea Hazeera bt Johari
• Bdk Klang , Selangor
• Tinggi , Putih , ada thigh gaps , Lawa , Gorgeous ahhaaha sama ja kan
• Baik la jugak huhu dulu lagi baik :(
• Skrg suka layan hotstuff mcm FD ..
• Dalam gambar slalu lawa
• Haritu nampak jogging maktab sorg2
• Last day jalan dgn FA keliling maktab wkwkwk
• luckydiamond's
• very strong
• rpt dgn ramai senior
•hotstuff nk mati
emm tu ja kot , kalau ada lagi tgoklah gmbar kt bawah byee
Liked by: AidaWardinaa

desc pepanjang

Farah Deena
Farah Deena Ashikin bt Achmad Faizal
FD gituu
15th Nov 2001
Awek Subang Jaya , Selangor
Pendekkk hahaha , tp akan meninggi jgk
Lawa gila
Good at selfies
Kalau aku bawak smartphone ska bukak camera aku tngkap gmbar en :P
Bak kata Misha , ska penohkan camera org dgn selfie dia
Sangat-2 control personality .
Phone dia sangat-2222222 private .
bdk homeroom Intan
rumah biru
polaroid kuninggg
iPhone 5S user ( sep sikit )
iPhone dia sama colour dgn aku hampehh toi .
Owns an iPad MiNi .
Dulu rajin bt homework skrg :P
Aku dgn dia suka kutuk bdk yg bajet hahaah , lg2 bajet speaking wkwkwwk
Dia jogging laju sia
Perfect legs
kalau bangun pagi , org tak gerak, aku rasa x p skolah kot
dia mmg bangun pgi dgn muka bler tu p skolah hahaha tp xpala lawa jgak
byak persamaan brang dia dgn aku soo hahah kla tu ja kot byeee FD , probably missing u

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mind desc me

waa .. em hai :P
Nama penoh Muhammad Aiman Farhan bin Ayob kan sbb slalu dgr org pggil anak Ayob .
Org Pasir Gudang , Johor btui kan ..
Bdk Auzai , Homeroom Azidah
Emmm , dak-2 Rugby .
Hotstuff .
Tinggi .
Good looking .
Macam twin Danial
Comel kalau korang jalan dorang nampak mcm kembar.
I guess baik la sbb nampak friendly jgak .
Suka main Jemah dgn Sudin with Sofy .
Not bad at selfies .
Handsome .
Haha bye sorry kalau ada tersalah describe . Hope to know you better ✌️

Desc ;)

Nurul Farwizah
Helloo Meeeppp :)
Nurul Farwizah bt Shahis Idzaini
Seeing the world on 23rd March 2001
From Ampang , Selangor .
Shortie but cute . Very humble . Nice . Caring . Friendly . Ska jerit [ astaghfirullahhalazim ] . Board of School Dicipline . Hahaha ramai adik sia . LDP yg baik utuk tahun ni la en en , thun depan taktahu lgi . Comel kalau dia ckp telefon dgn mummy dia . Mummy dia cantik mcm dia . Kaki tidur awal mcm aku hahaha . Muka suci . Not-so-chubby . Putih lel . not-the-type-that-likes-to-sleep-in-class . ( kecuali kalau cikgu tak masuk ha kau dgn misha sama ja ) . pandai . Your name is the sec last in class . emm emm , stunning . Has three baes : KianLawley • Connor Franta • Liam Payne . Addicted to boybands . She's the type that loves to-fangirl like almost everyday . Hahaha glad we came from the same species . The way you quarrel with Misha is so damnn adorable . She hates when people say 1D is gay hahah . You talk to fast , sometimes I can't catch up like "whuuttt are u saying act." Qistina Samira said we're like twins hahaha that's funny tho . That chinese type of eye . She gets mad easily but she's okay hahhaa . I think that's all for sure .
Byeeeeee ✌️i love you

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You're pretty :') can i cry ?

no need to cry . there's plenty of pretty girls out there . i bet you must be pretty , so cry for yourself ;)


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